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UFO Sightings Footage is your first and only stop for every up to date news and breaking news UFO sightings or Alien encounters from around the world. We are fresh, new and very motivated to the pursuit of the truth. We try to upload UFO and Alien videos as often as possible? USF is dedicated to the Ufology cause and the ultimate goal of getting FULL disclosure from not just the Government but NASA, J.P.L, Caltech and the mighty U.S military industrial complex and all it's subsidiaries or should I say "partners in cahoots"? When an UFO outbreak happens or when an Alien abduction happens nobody in the mainstream media wants to know and we want this and much, much more to change and change for the betterment of the victims of abductions, encounters and tormented peoples of the world that are being ignored by all and sundry? We the people can make a change and if we shout loud enough with words of truth, honesty and politeness but persistent we shall prevail and we shall get FULL UFO, ALIEN disclosure! Aliens and UFO drones have been visiting this planet, this "sector" if you like for millennia and that is no joke! The watchers, the Nephilim, the Giants and the Fallen have all been here before and some stayed some went home and we are the results of D.N.A experiments! WE DID NOT EVOLVE FROM BLOOMING MONKEY'S! That's one of the biggest insults ever to be taught in some schools? Darwin was a pawn in a game of planets and beliefs. Religion is by far the biggest killer of peoples over the last few thousand's of years, all wars in the name of some God or another have resulted in one thing, DEATH! Cover up's over the years have resulted in money becoming the literal manifestation of the Devil. The love of money has become the biggest threat to mankind's development and has kept BILLIONS in servitude to the rich and powerful and not God! The definition of a conspiracy theorist is someone who will question the statements given by known LIARS!