• 6 years ago
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Produced by Chris O'Konski
Mixed by The End

Song of Return bring together a here and now collection of unsettling dark sounds matched against light to dark vocals, sweeping harmonies & carved melodies.

In November 2011 Song of Return won Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy's "Big Apple" Tartan Clef Award. The award is a collaborative partnership between renowned Scottish music therapy charity Nordoff-Robbins, Creative Scotland, The American-Scottish Foundation and Clash Magazine. This award recognises Song of Return as the biggest, freshest talent in Scotland and they have been hand- picked by an all industry panel to represent their home- land in other territories all throughout 2012, which has deemed "Year of Creative Scotland".
"Song of Return are undoubtedly dramatic, they neatly sidestep any melodrama to deliver a brilliant, malevolent, soundtrack to some mad scientist's wildest nightmare. There's so much going on on every level, but it's still somehow pent and wound tight. It builds anticipation around their debut album Limits."
Nick Mitchell

"Huge stadium sized sound..moody and intense..extremely accomplished"
Vic Galloway, BBC Radio Scotland

"The combined vocal prowess of Craig Grant and Louis Abbott, coupled with top drawer musicianship throughout the band, makes for an enthralling prospect. They also seem to be getting better every time I see them, so try and make it along to a show - their songs take on a whole new intensity live."
The Scotsman

"Musically its a glorious hybrid of orchestral, electronica and rock, like the cool soundtrack to a dark movie... won- derful musical landscape"
Jim Gellatly, The Sun / Radio Clyde

"Song of Return have arrived.....their musical depth is extraordinary as they can oscillate between fragile, glimmering glows of melody and the full onslaught of heart pounding soundscapes. Song of Return have created mu- sic that is beautifully ambient, audibly stunning and an example of what lucid, honest and talented foresight can create. They are simply precious."
Glasgow Podcart

"Glasgow-based Song of Return are heading back into the post-rock fray with their upcoming 'Trajectory' EP with the title track revealing that the quintet are just as brooding and beauteous as ever. With subtle hints of electronic shimmer, recalling a gagged and straitjacketed Passion Pit, and a heavy dose of uplifting, intense euphoria, this is moody music designed to send you scampering after your own destiny once that soaring chorus kicks in."
This Is Fake DIY, Adam Parker

"Trajectory sounds as if it should have been radio A-list material...possessing undertones of U2 plus Sound Of Guns and Morning Parade..."
Killing Moon Limited

"This song [Trajectory] single handed sums up what Chris Martin desperately wanted Mylo Xyloto to sound like, an electronic based, guitar led stream of total euphoria from start to finish...Trajectory is truly epic...hushed crooning over U2 styled guitars and keyboards to enormous sounding drums and singer Craig Grant shredding his vocal chords...Ones to watch for sure"
AAA Music, Will Howard

"Admirably restrained in its progression, on this single Song of Return create a sound that is both soothing and constantly changing, almost like being underwater -- there is an ethereal quality to both the vocals and the 'sonar' sound..."
Electric Banana, Katy Olly

"there is undeniably potential here as opener and title track 'Trajectory' illustrates. The quiet/loud aesthetic works well, the build up of bass and drums manages to be both subtle and refined, the desperate, unsettling vocal is executed brilliantly, it really is beautiful"
Shout4Music, Alex Walker


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