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DJEČAK IZ SVEMIRA performs the song "SAN" for BalconyTV.
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Dječak iz svemira zapravo je dječak iz Imotskoga. Njegov akustični projekt zamišljen da bude protuteža svim dosadasnjim blues, hardrock, punk,..projektima. Prve pjesme su nastale davne 2007.g., a ostale se intezivno pocele pisati i aranzirati prije par godina. Sve to je dugo ležalo u glavi i u malenoj sobi dok slučajno jedna demo snimka u ljeto 2017.g. nije prosla na WHFest i od 115(!) prijavljenih bendova izabran među deset koji će nastupiti. Kratak, ali simpatičan nastup je dobio pregšt pohvala, od žirija, organizatora i najvažnije od publike. To je bio ključni vjetar u leđa za pripremu LP/EP materijala, koji bi trebao izaći u 2018.g.

Dječak iz svemira (Boy from space) is actually a boj from a small town of Imotski. His new acustic project is a countermeasure to all his former blues, hardrock, punk...projects. He wrote his first songs in 2007. and has been steadily adding new ones to his collection ever since. But all this was happening in the comfines of his room, until this year. He's demo tape was picked among other 115 bands and he got to perform at WHFest to a delightful response from the audiences. This was the wind underneath his wings he needed and is now in the process of finishing his first LP/EP.



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