• 6 years ago
C. TANGANA performs the song "DRAMA" for BalconyTV.
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C. Tangana és com un bombó de xocolata farcida de licor. Quan menys t'ho esperes, la seva capa dolça es fon per deixar al descobert lletres esmolades amb una empenta que sorprén als sentits i desarma les defenses. Sobre precioses bases melòdiques, l'artista madrileny aconsegueix crear un univers quotidià que continua semblant-nos fresc i tot un repte. La seva particular visió i barreja de gèneres, l'ha convertit en un dels noms majúsculs del rap nacional. Sense por, a pit descobert i amb el cap ben alt, Crema aconsegueix esfondrar estereotips, pors i monotonia amb la seva mixtape '10/15'. I no us alarmeu si no us consideràveu fans del rap i ara no podeu deixar d'escoltar-lo, perquè C.Tangana és un vici altament recomanable.

C. Tangana is like a liquor-filled chocolate. Out of nowhere, his sweet layers melt to bring you a heavier taste, shaped as brutally honest lyrics with a punch that amazes the senses and catches your defenses off-guard. Built over beautiful melodic layers, the Madrid based artist recreates a common universe that still appears fresh and challenging. His particular vision and his ability to mix genres make him one of the biggest players in the Spanish rap scene. Fearless, utterly romantic and gazing upon the sky, C. Tangana brings down stereotypes with his mixtape '10/15'. Don't be alarmed if you didn't see yourself into rap and you can't stop listening to him because C. Tangana is a highly addictive hook.


Production and Direction: clicksound
Presenter: Marta Terrasa
Sound: Jaume Llinares
Audio post production: David Garcia
Assistant: Helena Soler
Chair: Bego Gracia
Video: clicksound
Styling: Ura Garcia Panyella
Original initiative by Ruben Ginestós & Maria Blay

Wear: Hackney // Streetwear & Sneakers (http://www.hackneyshop.com)
Views: Castell de Montjuïc (http://barcelona.cat/castelldemontjuic/)
Video material support: Mas que Video Profesional (http://www.masquevideo.com)
Sound material: Ancar Power (http://www.ancarpower.com/)

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