• 6 years ago
FUNDACIÓN TONY MANERO performs the song "INEVITABLE" for BalconyTV.
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La Fundación Tony Manero tenia un propòsit ferm: fer que la música disco ressorgís amb força a les portes d'un nou segle que l'havia mig oblidat com a gènere i que havia caigut de quatre grapes a les tendències actuals. D'això farà gairebé 20 anys i encara no han perdut de vista el seu objectiu: fer ballar a ritme de funky, disco i melodies dels setanta a tothom que es creui al seu pas. La darrera arma en la seva croada es diu "Superficial" (Music Bus Records, 2014) i si el sentiu, no podreu evitar unir-vos a la festa.

Fundación Tony Manero (The Tony Manero's Foundation) had a strong aim: to make Disco re-emerge at the gates of a new century, which had forgotten it has a genre and had been caught in the current trends. 20 years have gone by since then and they haven't lost sight their commitment: to make everyone dance with their funky, disco and seventies tunes. The last weapon in their crusade is called "Superficial" (Music Bus Records, 2014) and if you listen to it, you can't help joining the party,


Production and Direction: clicksound
Presenter: Laura C. de Agorreta
Script: Míriam Cano
Sound: Jaume Llinares
Sound Production: Jonbi Belategi
Audio post production: David Garcia
Video: clicksound
Styling: Ura Garcia Panyella
Photographer: Martina Matencio
Original initiative by Ruben Ginestós & Maria Blay

Sound & Lights: TST So i llums (http://www.tstsoillums.com)
Wear: Hackney // Streetwear & Sneakers (http://www.hackneyshop.com)
Views: Hotel Ayre Rosselló (http://www.ayrehoteles.com/)
Video material support: Mas que Video Profesional (http://www.masquevideo.com)
Catering: Bernie's Diner, Grill & Bar (http://www.berniesdiner.com)

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