• 6 years ago
ROBA ESTESA performs the song "UNA ALTRA RONDA for BalconyTV.
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Si fusionem el folk, la rumba, la cançó d'autora, les tradicionals i hi afegim acordions, violins, bateria, baix, guitarres i la força de 6 dones de les comarques del Camp de Tarragona, ens dóna com a resultat 'Roba Estesa'. Si a més d'aquests ingredients, hi sumem atreviment, l'esperit de les antigues trobadores, enginy i grans dosi d'humor ens sortirà el seu particular gènere musical que elles han autoanomenat com a 'folk calentó'. Amb una maqueta homònima publicada l'any 2014 i desenes de concerts a les seves espatlles, Roba Estesa es tanquen a l'estudi de gravació -com a premi per haver guanyat el Concurs Sons a la Fira Mediterrània-, amb l'objectiu d'editar el seu primer EP. Mentrestant, podem gaudir de manera exclusiva d'una de les seves noves cançons; 'Una altra ronda', que molt probablement formi part del seu esperat primer EP.

If we merge folk with rumba, song writing and traditional music, then add an accordion, violin, drums, bass, guitars and the force of 6 girls, we will have a mix difficult to name, unless it is served by a group of friends from Camp de Tarragona that one day decided to form a band that brings back the spirit of the ancient trobairitz. They are called Roba Estesa (transl. for 'Hanging Clothes') and they dare to create a genre that defines their particular music style as 'folk calentó'. Having published in 2014 a demo named after them and having performed dozens of concerts, Roba Estesa go back to the recording studio, also as a reward for winning the 2015 edition of Sons a la Fira Mediterrània. To make the waiting a little bit more bearable, we can enjoy exclusively for BalconyTV Barcelona one of their new songs, 'Una altra ronda' that most probably will be part of their highly awaited first EP.


Production and Direction: clicksound
Presenter: Jaume Viñas
Sound and Audio post production: David Garcia
Video: clicksound
Styling: Ura Garcia Panyella
Photographer: Martina Matencio
Original initiative by Ruben Ginestós & Maria Blay

Wear: Hackney // Streetwear & Sneakers (http://www.hackneyshop.com)
Views: Hotel Ayre Rosselló (http://www.ayrehoteles.com/)
Video material support: Mas que Video Profesional (http://www.masquevideo.com)

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