• 6 years ago
THE BAJIKANS performs the song "I'LL BE WAITING" for BalconyTV.
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THE BAJIKANS is a rock band from Ukraine (Donetsk). It was formed in 2009 under the name The last of Bajikans by three self-taught musicians and existed till 2010. They gained popularity in their own city from the first concert. For the next two years the members of the band were working on such side projects as September27 and Pop emotion. They experimented with different styles, sound and music genres. In 2012 the band came back to the game as THE BAJIKANS, releasing their first single “What is love”. Since 2013 the guys went on several tours around Ukraine, leaving only positive feedback from local listeners, and released two more singles: “I’ll be waiting” and “Courage I feel”. The number of fans was rapidly growing and they decided to release an album. In March 2014 THE BAJIKANS managed to record and mix all the material in their home studio. In 2015 they released a single "Outlander" from a debut album "Passenger of life" and on the 1st of February they presented their first official video "Comeongetyou". The debut album "Passenger of life" was released on 27 of February 2015 and is now available in all digital music stores and online stream music services.

To rockowa grupa z Ukrainy (Donieck). Została założona w 2009 roku (jeszcze pod nazwą The last of Bajikans) przez trzech muzycznych samouków. Przez kolejne dwa lata członkowie grupy działali w pobocznych projektach (Semptember27, Pop emotion). Do gry już jako The Bajikans powrócili w 2012 roku, wydając pierwszy singel „What is love”. Rok później kapela odbyła kilka tras koncertowych po Ukrainie oraz wydając dwa kolejne utwory: „I’ll be waiting” oraz „Courage I feel”. W marcu 2014 roku. W tym samym roku ukazał się utwór „Outlander”, który był jednocześnie zwiastunem albumu „Passenger of life”. Debiutancki krążek The Bajikans ukazał się 27 lutego tego roku.


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