Prince Harry: Meghan Markle Had a Fantastic Christmas

  • 7 years ago
Prince Harry told listeners of Radio 4 that he and his fiancé Meghan Markle had a fantastic Christmas with the rest of the royals and they are the family she never had.

The 33-year-old was guest editing the Today program and at the end of the show he was quizzed about all his private life.

After saying he and Meghan had a great Christmas, he added that his family loved having her with them in Norfolk.

Harry also said that there’s always that family part of Christmas where there’s that work element, but they had an amazing time with his brother and sister-in-law and running around with the kids.

And in case you were wondering, Harry says they haven’t put together a guest list just yet.

The wedding between Harry and Meghan is already expected to be one of the biggest events of 2018.
