Anorexia & Bulimia | My Story (with pictures)

  • 6 years ago
Dear whoever is watching this,\r
I hope this video helped at least a few of you feel a little hopeful, and less lonely. I remember when I was going through anorexia, since I wasnt able to get professional help, I used to rely on people on youtube so much to get past through hard times. I was amazed at how even though I no longer lived in an English speaking country, people from all over the world can still help each other through this little YouTube community. I was worn out from moving so much and having to adapt to new environments all the time, but YouTube was one of the only stability I had in my life. Wherever I was on this huge globe, I would still be able to watch my favorite YouTube idols~ ^_^ Likely, wherever you who is watching this is, I hope I was able to help you in some way,,~ x3 Anorexia and bulimia is a painful, destructive disorder, and I hope more people would understand how serious this disease is. For the time being, I hope I can be the friend, or elder sister that you can rely on when youre going through a hard time. I`ll leave my email down below, so dont hesitate to email me ok? :) Ill try to help you as much as I can x3 Stay strong everyone, believe in yourself and the big, bright future you have ahead of you~^^* Although you might not feel it now, time really does heal all wounds,, you just gotta hold on at the moment and continue to walk your journey called life. Gonna end it at this before I end up writing an entire essay in this description box~ xD haha Dont give up,,~ Everyone deserves to be happy and healthy~ x3\r


