• 6 years ago
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6 - Yosemite National Parks Half Dome - Some of the more popular ivities at Yosemite national park are camping, hiking, and climbing the Half Dome. The Half Dome is a mountain that rises over 5,000 feet from its base. Hiking up Half Dome takes an entire day and by the time the hiker nears the summit, there is another 400 foot vertical climb to get to the top. Exhaustion and slippery conditions have led to over 60 deaths on Half Dome. The conditions are so deadly that the bottom part of the cliff is known as the “Death Slabs”. Some die on imp, others get swept away in Vernal Falls. And if thats not enough, be on the lookout for lightning, because thats take out a few people too. \r
5 - Hawaiis Volcano Tours - Hawaii is known for its volcanic ivity, so it is natural that tourists would want to get a closer look at some of its volcanoes, but beware because that sightseeing trip can be deadly. A number of helicopter and bicycle companies will get you to the top for around $100. But thats when it gets dangerous. From 1992-2002 the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park reported 45 major injuries, and 40 deaths. Some die from losing control of their bikes and some from the lava haze, which looks like a harmless cloud of water vapor, but in reality contains a toxic mix of hydrochloric acid, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. These gasses can cause asphyxiation, asthma, and heart conditions. \r
4 - Alnwick Gardens - Who doesnt enjoy a nice stroll through a well-manicured proper English garden? You might want to think twice if you visit Alnwick Castle in Northumberland, England. After inheriting the castle, the Duchess of Northumberland decided to revamp the gardens. She thought normal flowers were uninteresting, so instead she planted poisonous ones instead. Thus the Poison Garden was born. Visitors to the garden are far enough away from the plants that they cant smell or touch them, but some have been known to faint from the toxic fumes the plants release into the air. In addition to the poisonous plants, the Duchess also included coca and cannabis plants, to demonstrate how they can be deadly as well. \r
3 - Death Road, Bolivia - Biking down Yungas Road, also known as Death Road, is just about the most dangerous bike rides in the world. Almost 300 bikers are killed annually trying to make it to the end of this narrow, steep road. The road is so dangerous that people from the adjacent town say a prayer before they use it. The drop from the side is 164 feet and those not daunted by their possible demise, speed across the path going around 40 miles per hour. So many people have lost their lives traveling this death road there are graves and shrines lining the road. Not the best sign when youre packing up to take a spin.\r
2 - Skellig Michael - For those unfamiliar with Skellig Michael, you can catch a glimpse of it in the latest Star Wars . It is a very remote island off the coast of Ireland that was settled by monks between 600 and 800 AD. The monks chose this location specifically because it was hard to get to and navigate. Visitors to the island have to endure an hour long boat ride through rough seas to get there, and once they arrive there is no guarantee that they will be able to dock, due to the high waves and choppy water. If they do make it ashore, they will also not find any of the typical tourist amenities you might elsewhere, such as food, water, bathrooms, shelter, or a visitor center. Navigating the island is dangerous as well because in order to get to the site, you have to climb 600 ancient stone steps that wind their way up the side of a mountain, without any handrails. Two deaths have been reported so far. \r
1 - Black Cat Trail – The Black Cat Trail or Track is located in New Guinea and is a popular walking trail. International hikers flock to this destination to try and defeat its treacherous path. The trail is previous World War II Trail that covers a variety of terrain that is very dangerous. Among the obstacles along the way are cliffs, fallen trees, swamps, hazardous ledges and rocks covered with moss. Due to its presence in the war, scattered around can often be found live bombs, boots, ammunition, and plane wrecks. There are also Japanese tunnels. The trail is roughly 38 miles long usually requires a 4 or 5 day commitment to making it across, although it has been completed in just two days. \r
Which dangerous place on our list would you be brave enough to visit? Let us know in the comments below. Dont forget to like this video and subscribe to our channel for more interesting videos like this one. Thanks for watching!


