Welcome rain on the way _ 022818

  • 6 years ago
Good morning, some highly-anticipated rainfall is on the way to ease the dryness in the air and wash away the dust. Rain clouds are approaching Jeju Island and will start to drop showers from the south before spreading to the rest of the nation.

Seoul will start to see rain from around lunchtime with up to 20 millimeters of precipitation expected while southern regions and Jeju will see heavier showers...parts of Gangwon-do and Gyengsangbuk-do could see snow instead.

Despite the rain, we'll see readings similar to a tad lower than yesterday, so let's take a closer look. Lows are a lot milder than Tuesday... Seoul had a low of 4 degrees Celsius while Daegu is waking up to 3 degrees.

As for the highs, Seoul and Daejeon will make it to 8 degrees Celsius. Rain will pour down in Busan this afternoon, while Jeju will see a high of 19 degrees along with a good amount of rainfall.

Seoul could see a mix of rain and snow tomorrow morning, which is a national holiday here in Korea to celebrate Independence Movement Day, then readings will jump to mild side again this weekend.

That's Korea for you and here's the international weather for viewers around the world.