Welcome rain washed away the dustweather _ 110818

  • 6 years ago
Good morning, very much needed rainfall is falling in most regions, I'm happy to tell you that rain washed away all the dust in the air and we are waking up to normal to good air, but you will need an umbrella as it's forecast to come down heavily.

Heavy rain won't bother us that much after being trapped under toxic smog for last 5 days, upper regions and southern coastal regions will see heavier rainfall with up to 60 millimeters and it's forecast to rain all day today.

Despite the showers, temperatures won't drop much,... but rain and wind will bring down autumn colors and one concern is that falling leaves could cause some unexpected flooding.

Checking on today's temperatures, morning lows in most parts are kicking off in the double digits... Seoul, Daegu and Gyeongju are at 11 degrees Celsius.

Highs will be ranging between 13 to 22 degrees, Seoul at 16 degrees.

That's Korea for you and here's the international weather for viewers around the world.