11 Most Terrifying Bugs

  • 6 years ago
From bugs that will infest and feast on each other to the scariest and most aggressive insects around like the scary voodoo wasps.\r
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# 6 Denkimushi - Electric bug\r
This bug looks like a cuddly decorative pillow that would make for a very cute decorative pet. Well, it would if you could touch it. This squishy looking bug is called the Denkimushi, which means Electric Bug in Japanese. Its not just a cheeky name, either. If you so much as poke any of the bugs barbs you would feel an electric shock. Denkimushis barbs secrete a unique toxin that mimics the feeling of electrocution! \r
# 5 Giant Huntsman Spider\r
When measured by leg span, Huntsman spiders are the biggest in the world. The Giant Huntsman has a diameter of 12 inches, usually described as big as a dinner plate. These spiders dont create equally large spider webs to catch prey in though, they hunt them down by hand. They can run up to a yard a second at their highest speeds and use that to their advantage. In some parts of the world theyre known for sneaking into peoples houses and cars and hiding underneath pillows and sun visors. Its not hard to imagine them jumping onto your head and eating your face. Theyre also pretty social, so if you find one of these foot long spiders lying around, you might just find 12 more nearby. \r
# 4 Mites\r
Mites are pretty gross already, but they might be worse than you thought. Most animals, including both humans and bugs, want to get rid of a mite infestation as soon as possible. For some reason, the Giant Hercules beetle wears them like a giant oversized coat. The mites ride on the beetle which takes them to dead carcasses for them to feast on. The beetle doesnt gain much from this, in f they usually get extremely slowed down and are incapable of flight because the mites get so heavy. If the beetle doesnt find a food source for them soon enough the mites will overwhelm it and make it incapable of moving at all, until finally they eat the beetle itself. Imagine wearing a coat made of living bugs that would kill and eat you if you didnt feed it in time. Nature is so beautiful.\r
# 3 Africanized Honey Bee\r
Why must humans try and play God? The Africanized Honeybee is a direct result of human intervention - its a crossbreed between the European honeybee and the African Bee but the combination of the two is not what we expected it to be. Africanized Honeybees are extremely aggressive. If you linger near their hive for more than half a second they will assume youre there to attack them and will retaliate. Its not just a few soldier bees trying to chase you off either, its the entire hive. Almost the whole colony, upwards of tens of thousands of bees, will swarm you until youre covered completely in them, feeling hundreds of stings a second. \r
# 2 Giant Centipede\r
Bugs have a bad rep. A lot of them are disproportionately crushed and squashed just because we think they look scary and gross when theyre usually harmless. Well thats not the case with Giant Centipedes. These alien looking monsters can have anywhere between 42 and 46 legs and use them to run at high speeds. Theyll eat anything from rats to frogs. Some can even jump into the air and catch a bat mid flight for some lunch. Giant Centipedes arent only insanely fast, theyre very aggressive and easily agitated. If they feel like theyre being intruded upon, they will just attack you for no reason. If you see one of these multi-legged beasts sprinting your way, it might be best to run too since theyve got tiny claws on all their legs capable of breaking skin, powerful jaws, and are able to secrete a toxin that will give you a really painful rash. \r
# 1 Japanese Giant Hornet\r
Hornets are known for being terrifying plagues on the world, but none are as scary as Japanese Giant Hornets. They are about 3 to 4 inches long, so unlike most bugs you can see every horrible detail on their body very clearly. They have massive mandibles that can easily decapitate most bugs and leave a gnarly mark on human flesh. If that wasnt enough to terrify you, they can shoot out flesh-melting poison that will leave you blind if it gets in your eyes. If one of them takes a liking to you, they can mark you with pheromones so that all its Giant Hornet friends can find you and swarm onto you too. Wanna try running away? Good luck with that. These bugs can fly 50 miles a day and are pretty fast too.


