10 Worlds Most Terrifying Insects

Valdaniell 1821

by Valdaniell 1821

From the terrifying Japanese Giant Hornet to african fire ants, these are 10 of the worlds most terrifying insects. \r
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7. Fire Ants - Fire ants are the name given to the species of stinging ants in the Solenopsis family. They can be found in more than 15 states in the US and there are over 200 species in this family worldwide. They live in mounds that can grow up to 18 to 24 inches tall. They feed mainly on small plants and seeds but can also attack and kill small animals. They inject their prey with a venom called Solenopsin, which can cause a painful burning sensation in humans (thus their name). The fire ants live in colonies with over 200,000 workers serving their queen, who alone can produce up to 1600 eggs per day.\r
6. Locusts - Locusts are ually related to grasshoppers, but its their ability to swarm that makes them truly terrifying. Normally docile, abnormal environmental conditions, such as drought, can trigger the locusts to start to breed uncontrollably. When their populations become large enough, they take flight and a swarm of locusts can rapidly strip entire fields of crops. A swarm can cover 460 square miles and contain 40 to 80 million locusts. Locusts can be found in over 60 countries today and can cover 1/5 of the Earths surface. Their behavior has been detailed since the dawn of time, appearing in Egyptian hieroglyphics and featured prominently as plagues in Bible stories.\r
5. Wasps - Wasps, also known as Yellow Jackets, or Hornets, are as old as the dinosaurs! The oldest fossil record of a wasp was dated to the Jurassic period. Many wasps are solitary workers and live in nests with their queen, but some are aggressive predators. Unlike honey bees who die once they use their stinger, wasps can sting many times and their stingers can paralyze almost any insect. Some wasps are even parasitical, laying their eggs on or in other insects. The wasp larvae then eventually kill their hosts as they grow out of them.\r
4. Siafu Dorylus (African Ants) - Siafu ants are usually found in Africa and Asia. They are known to travel in large columns, like an army, comprised of up to 50,000,000 ants. They can be beneficial for farmers as they normally eat crop killing insects, but have also been known to kill rodents as large as a rat. The soldier ants have two mandibles that are very strong and the East African Maasai people often use the bite of these ants like surgical staples to mend their cuts.\r
3. Giant Japanese or Asian Hornet - As the name might suggest, the Giant Japanese or Asian Hornet is primarily found in Japan and Asia. They are large and can grow up to 3 inches long. In some Japanese villages they are considered a delicacy when fried, but be careful when trying to catch them – the Giant Japanese hornet can be very aggressive if provoked and if stung, their venom can be lethal, with the ability to dissolve human tissue. 10 stings will land you in the hospital, 30 stings will find you in the emergency room!\r
2. Hemiptera - Kissing Bug. First discovered by Charles Darwin, the Hemiptera can be found throughout the Americas, Africa, Asia & Australia. The kissing bug gets its name due to the f that it usually bites its victims on the lips while they are sleeping. While it may sound cute, it can ually be quite dangerous, as the bite can trigger an allergic reion and even anaphylic shock! The bug can also spread Chagas disease, which currently affects 7-8 million people. The disease is hard to diagnose because the symptoms can lay dormant for up to 30 years!\r
1. Anophelese Mosquito – There are about 460 species of anopheles mosquitos worldwide and of those, 30 to 40 can transmit malaria to humans. Only female anopheles mosquitos can transmit malaria, which they pick up when they bite someone who is infected and then bites someone else. A female will only live for up to a month, but more like two weeks if shes out in the wild. \r
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