Trump Slams Washington Post Over Report He Called Jeff Sessions 'Mr. Magoo'

  • 6 years ago
President Trump went after the Washington Post on Twitter.

President Trump has blasted the Washington Post over a report claiming he has called top officials by certain nicknames, including Attorney General Jeff Sessions as "Mr. Magoo." 
"The Washington Post said I refer to Jeff Sessions as 'Mr. Magoo' and Rod Rosenstein as 'Mr. Peepers.' This is 'according to people with whom the president has spoken.' There are no such people and don't know these characters...just more Fake & Disgusting News to create ill will!" Trump tweeted Saturday. 
His message was an apparent response to a Post report from Friday which alleged Sessions had threatened to quit if Trump fired Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general. 
The piece went on to state, in part, "Sessions has had little ability to do anything about [the way Rosenstein has been treated], given his own shaky standing with Trump for recusing himself from the Russia investigation, [an] official said. Trump has, at times, referred to Sessions as 'Mr. Magoo' and Rosenstein as 'Mr. Peepers,' a character from a 1950s sitcom, according to people with whom the president has spoken." 
The Post wasn't Trump's only media target on Saturday. He also called out a New York Times report, calling Maggie Haberman a "third rate reporter" and a "Crooked H flunkie."
The president has had a track record of slamming the press, often dismissing it as the "fake news media." 


