• 6 years ago
From innocent monkeys having fun, to extremely dangerous situations that will make the hair on your back rise, here are 26 Crazy Animal Attack Photos.\r
#10 … Its All Over Now … In new, a young man in New Delhi was mauled to death by a white tiger in its zoo enclosure. The 20-year-old man had fallen into a dry moat that surrounded the animals enclosure when the animal attacked killed him, just moments after this picture was taken.\r
#9 … Carry-Out Cuisine -- This monster 21-foot croc in Kenya must have been in a hurry. After fighting off smaller competitors for its food, it easily carried along a 300-pound antelope carcass downriver, horns and all. Maybe it needed some more fiber in its diet.\r
#8 … Elephant v Hippo … Sounds like it would make for an epic steel cage match. But this contest took place at a private game reserve in Namibia in new. A mother hippo got too close to a bull elephant and he flipped her several feet into the air. She came away unharmed, having learned a valuable lesson about not pissing off a pachyderm.\r
#7 …Uncontrollable Urge -- In 2016, an elephant went on a rampage at a religious festival in Kerala, India. Despite tossing around cars and vans and smashing them to the ground, no one was seriously injured. But it took trainers a few hours to bring the beast under control. Its believed that the animal may have been suffering from “musth” (must), which is a kind testosterone-fuelled rage that periodically affects male elephants. Not so different from humans, really.\r
#6 … Serious Take Down … At a South African game reserve,a pack of lions attacked a herd of buffalo. One brave buffalo charged into the pride of lions after seeing its friends injured. It managed to gore one of the lions, tossing it into the air and scattering the pride. But that was the buffalos only shining moment. Other lions were alerted by the struggle and moved in finish off the remaining buffalos.\r
#5 … Giraffic Park -- See what happens when you combine dinosaur DNA with a giraffe? You get Giraffic Park! Sorry, I know Im late on that, but I had to stick my neck. Seriously, this was a real-life drama in new that happened when the 13-foot male chased vehicles for two miles through the African savannah. Giraffe attacks are rare, but this male may have been experiencing a hormonal imbalance. Guys are funny that way.\r
#4 … Party Over Here! -- Two elephants went berserk in southern India, rampaging for hours through a small city after wandering in from the forest. The pair of animals overturned cars, attacked animals and killed several people before they were finished. The two elephants were finally brought down with tranquilizer darts and captured.\r
#3 … Angry Angry Hippos … This croc was trying to crawl over the backs of this group of hippos when he had the tables turned. The croc got too close to a mum with calves, and all hell broke loose. Even the fearsome crocodile is no march for a group of 50 angry, angry hippos. But this crocs death would be avenged …\r
#2 … Bad Karma -- Not often you see a beast like a hippo get tossed around like a rag doll. This croc snatched a young hippo calf in South Africa while it mother wasnt watching. Maybe the croc was trying to get revenge after his friend got taken out by a mob of 50 hippos (see #3 )\r
#1 … Get The Point? -- In 2016, this load of bull really stuck it to the matador. Amazingly, the guy suffered only minor injuries. But safe to say, this Peruvian bullfighter wont be sitting down for a while. Ive always wondered if being a matador would be a pain in the ass. Now I know.\r
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