Fascinating experiment on patience - with endearing results!

  • 5 years ago
The average Brit loses patience after five minutes waiting to be served at a bar, 13 minutes waiting for a delayed train and 18 minutes for a friend to call us back, a new study has revealed. Research into the limits of British patience found we ‘draw the line’ at waiting more than a year and three quarters for a pay rise, will sit in traffic for 13 minutes before getting angry and expect a web page to load in under ten seconds. Our tipping point is also waiting any more than 24 minutes for food being brought out after first ordering, results showed. The study of 2,000 people, which was commissioned by parcel & postage comparison website Interparcel.com, found the average person will wait up to 16 seconds for an online video to buffer and expect a parcel ordered online to arrive within four and a half days.
