Grieving sons horror at discovering late mother conned out of £100,000

  • 5 years ago
Tragic Vicki Westwood, 81, was deluged with an average of 100 letters a week for SIX YEARS and backed up with dozens of phone calls from fraudsters claiming she had won a cash prize. The vulnerable widow was persuaded to send money, supposedly for administrative fees, to dozens of fake companies with the promise she would receive her reward.
Shockingly, when she tried to stop sending the crooks the money, she was plagued with phone calls from the conmen who pressured her into posting them more cash. Between 2008 and when she died on New Year’s Eve, she had been swindled out of more than £100,000 – an average of £1,000 every week. The extent of the fraud was only uncovered when her son Russell Eaton, 50, was going through her bank accounts after she died and discovered she was broke.
