• 6 years ago
Heledd from Running in Lavender was one of three Mumsnet vloggers challenged by Lidl to see if she could save money on an entire weekly food shop. Find out how she got on and see her family's favourite meals from the week in her Lidl grocery haul. You can even download their shopping list and meal plan here: http://tiny.mn/1O8AlyS This is a sponsored video in collaboration with Lidl.

Liked this? See how much our other two Mumsnet bloggers saved in their Lidl grocery hauls...
Not Another Mummy Blog (family of three): https://youtu.be/fkJ5Dv-vxvQ
Brummy Mummy of 2 (family of four): https://youtu.be/f1H1Ii8A3I8
Download all the meal plans here: http://www.mumsnet.com/food-content/lidl-grocery-hauls

More from Heledd at Running in Lavender here:

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