ARTIFICIAL Intelligence … From using worms to robots taking over the world, here are the most fascinating things you must know about Artificial intelligence in Artificial Intelligence 101
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#17 The Not So Mechanical Turk…
There are many inventions done by brilliant minds like Davinci who invented the helicopter or Julius Verne writing about submarines… all their inventions were made into reality, eventually. But not all historical robots or machines are real, like the mechanical turk, a robot that defeated some of the greatest minds of their time like Benjamin franklin and Napoleon…. In 1770, a chess machine was constructed designed to demonstrate AI. Not until about 50 years later the truth came out, this elaborate hoax was actually run by a chest mastermind… not an AI…. It made for good movies thought…
#16 Acting Out
#15 Environmental Impact
There is something each of us can do to protect our families and the environment and technology can help like an alarm system for your home!! About 100 elephants are hunted every day in Africa and what is technology doing about it? A lot! There is a program called PAWS Protection Assistant for Wildlife Security developed by the University of South California that predicts poacher hunting patterns and therefore suggest routes for park rangers to take. A practical way for technology to assist the largest and most defenseless animals on land.
#14 The Enigma of Turing
Talking about masterminds, there was a movie made about the father of Artificial Intelligence and computer science played by Benetict Cumberbatch, from the marvel movie Dr. Strange? Alan Turing was truly a genius, he broke the ww2 German cyphers code or enigma machine and therefore basically saving the world! He was forced to stop his cryptographic work after
#13 Robo-Doc
#12 Here, Boy!!
#11 Breaking It Down
So when thinking of AI, we may think that there is just that intelligent, but are there any levels? Are they going to take over the world? Let’s first break them into small categories, there are 3 of them Weak, strong and super artificial Intelligence….
#10 Did You CATCHA All That?
#9 The RoboWorm!!
#8 Futuristic Dangers
#7 The “Terminator” Of It
#6 Up Close Sci-Fi
#5 No Farmers Needed
#4 Myths Debunked
#3 No Watering Needed
#2 The Double Jeopardy Case
#1 Not So Easily Taking Over The World
The material credited in the link below was used, some with modifications, with rights provided per the publishing of said material under a CC-BY license. A material list and all attributions will be found there.
- To Practice or Learn Spanish: Watch This Video Side By Side With Its Spanish Counterpart At Universos Abiertos:
#17 The Not So Mechanical Turk…
There are many inventions done by brilliant minds like Davinci who invented the helicopter or Julius Verne writing about submarines… all their inventions were made into reality, eventually. But not all historical robots or machines are real, like the mechanical turk, a robot that defeated some of the greatest minds of their time like Benjamin franklin and Napoleon…. In 1770, a chess machine was constructed designed to demonstrate AI. Not until about 50 years later the truth came out, this elaborate hoax was actually run by a chest mastermind… not an AI…. It made for good movies thought…
#16 Acting Out
#15 Environmental Impact
There is something each of us can do to protect our families and the environment and technology can help like an alarm system for your home!! About 100 elephants are hunted every day in Africa and what is technology doing about it? A lot! There is a program called PAWS Protection Assistant for Wildlife Security developed by the University of South California that predicts poacher hunting patterns and therefore suggest routes for park rangers to take. A practical way for technology to assist the largest and most defenseless animals on land.
#14 The Enigma of Turing
Talking about masterminds, there was a movie made about the father of Artificial Intelligence and computer science played by Benetict Cumberbatch, from the marvel movie Dr. Strange? Alan Turing was truly a genius, he broke the ww2 German cyphers code or enigma machine and therefore basically saving the world! He was forced to stop his cryptographic work after
#13 Robo-Doc
#12 Here, Boy!!
#11 Breaking It Down
So when thinking of AI, we may think that there is just that intelligent, but are there any levels? Are they going to take over the world? Let’s first break them into small categories, there are 3 of them Weak, strong and super artificial Intelligence….
#10 Did You CATCHA All That?
#9 The RoboWorm!!
#8 Futuristic Dangers
#7 The “Terminator” Of It
#6 Up Close Sci-Fi
#5 No Farmers Needed
#4 Myths Debunked
#3 No Watering Needed
#2 The Double Jeopardy Case
#1 Not So Easily Taking Over The World
The material credited in the link below was used, some with modifications, with rights provided per the publishing of said material under a CC-BY license. A material list and all attributions will be found there.