9 Animals To Avoid If You Want To LIVE... From cute and cuddly animals to some of the biggest ones, here are the scariest animals on earth you Definitely want to run away from…if you can...
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#9 The Amazon Assassin Bugs
These not so friendly bugs do have other cousins that live in the United states and Latin America, you may know them by the name of kissing bug or nose cone bugs. They are plainer looking than the assassins of the rain forest and find it very attractive to be near humans and warm-blooded animals because of the odor and warm body temperatures. The death tolls? Over 18million people have been bitten and of those, 14k dying from it every year.
#8 African Cape Buffalo
Such massive body and large horns would be a defense mechanism against predators such as the African Lion of Hyenas. The Cape buffalo is known for charging without provocation to anyone who gets near. The not so gentle giant can run top speeds of about 40 miles per hour!! Faster than the speed limit in many inner cities!! They are so strong and hot tempered that there are reports of cape buffaloes charging cars and lions, even if they are very hurt and holding on to life by the threat!
#7 Siafu Ants Of Equatorial Africa
They are known for eating everything that gets on their way. The ants move like one entity. If you are so unlucky to walk in the beautiful and breathless equatorial Africa and happen to step on one of the Driver ants... well, over 50million of its relatives will come and literally make you suffer for it. Do you remember the episode of Indiana jones were an ant army of much larger ants ate one of the bad guys in about couple of minutes? Well not so fast with the real Siafu ants… well they have the “ant attack” down to a science, they will skeletonize a full size human or large animal in less than 5 hours!!!
#6 Brazilian Wandering Spider
#5 Lions Mane Jelly fish in the northern parts of the world
#4 Bull sharks in Australia
#3 Hyenas in West Africa
#2 Africanized Honey Bees
#1 Salt Water Cone snail
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