How To Know When These 5 Foods Have Gone Bad

  • 6 years ago
How To Know When These 5 Foods Have Gone Bad Despite our best intentions, often food we buy goes bad before we can eat it. Instead of risking food poisoning, educate yourself on how to determine if these 5 foods have spoiled. 1. Bell Peppers Wrinkly brown spots mean they're no longer good to eat. 2. Onions Don't risk eating them if they've become slimy. 3. Potatoes If they funky, rather than earthy, toss them out. 4. Half-And-Half If it doesn't dissolve into your coffee and turns into little flecks, it's spoiled. 5. Garlic If any cloves are dry and wrinkly, with hollowed-out dark spots, it's got to go. Try using ingredients together as much as you can to prevent food and financial waste.
