Human Mobile Stage 124A(3碟2膊醒狮表演 124A), This was 17th Anniversary of Master Chau Biu Memorial Banquet (Master Chau Biu was also name as Chow Biu. Zhou Biu or Jow Biu) was organized by Chung Oi Chau Biu Martial Art Sports Association (=Our Association). And it was also 17th anniversary of establishment of our association and 18th of our association staffs' inauguration. Time: 28th April 1991. Place: At Hong Nin Restaurant, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong. 3碟2膊醒狮表演 124A(Human Mobile Stage 124A) 中外周家,周彪宗师周年宝诞纪念晚会是由中外周彪国术体育会(=本会)主办,并且是恭祝本会成立十七周年暨第十八届职员就职典礼。时间:1991年4月28日,地点:在香港坚尼地城(=西环),康年大酒家举行。
Video information影片资料:
1. Opening Address: By our Chairman Sifu Ho Lok Man 恭请本会主席何乐民师傅致开会词
2. Staffs inauguration Vowing本届职员就职宣誓典礼 - Master of Ceremony by (以下简称主礼人): The Wong Tai Sin District Councillors Mrs. Young Lai Yin 恭请杨励贤黄大仙区议议员主礼监誓,
3. Issued Staffs Appointment Certificates颁发职员选任书: Presented by: The Central and Western District Councillors Mr. Chan Tak Chor恭请中西区区议会陈特楚区议员主礼, Recd by: our vice chairman Sifu Chan Man Cheung (恭请本会副主席陈万祥师傅代表接受).
4. 4. Issued Consultants Appointment Certificates颁发聘任书: Peresented by: Central and Western District Councillors Mr. Ip Kwok Him 恭请中西区区议会叶国谦区议员主礼. Recd by: Our President Sifu Lam Ki (恭请本会会长林基师傅代表接受).
5. Maters of ceremony and Quests Address 主礼嘉宾及嘉宾致词
6. MC Of Banquet 大会司仪:Mr, Fung Wan Chiu, The Secretary of Fish Water Fish Association. 是鲜鱼行总会秘书,冯耘樵先生
7. Lion Dancing 醒狮表演: By Our Association 由本会表演
8. Kung Fu 国术表演:By Our Association 由本会表演
9. Group Photo 摄团体照
Details please refer to Human Mobile Stage Part 1 (Descriptions and comments), length: 5.55 (关于中外周家详细资料请看Human Mobile Stage Part 1 Descriptions and comments. Length: 5.55).
Video information影片资料:
1. Opening Address: By our Chairman Sifu Ho Lok Man 恭请本会主席何乐民师傅致开会词
2. Staffs inauguration Vowing本届职员就职宣誓典礼 - Master of Ceremony by (以下简称主礼人): The Wong Tai Sin District Councillors Mrs. Young Lai Yin 恭请杨励贤黄大仙区议议员主礼监誓,
3. Issued Staffs Appointment Certificates颁发职员选任书: Presented by: The Central and Western District Councillors Mr. Chan Tak Chor恭请中西区区议会陈特楚区议员主礼, Recd by: our vice chairman Sifu Chan Man Cheung (恭请本会副主席陈万祥师傅代表接受).
4. 4. Issued Consultants Appointment Certificates颁发聘任书: Peresented by: Central and Western District Councillors Mr. Ip Kwok Him 恭请中西区区议会叶国谦区议员主礼. Recd by: Our President Sifu Lam Ki (恭请本会会长林基师傅代表接受).
5. Maters of ceremony and Quests Address 主礼嘉宾及嘉宾致词
6. MC Of Banquet 大会司仪:Mr, Fung Wan Chiu, The Secretary of Fish Water Fish Association. 是鲜鱼行总会秘书,冯耘樵先生
7. Lion Dancing 醒狮表演: By Our Association 由本会表演
8. Kung Fu 国术表演:By Our Association 由本会表演
9. Group Photo 摄团体照
Details please refer to Human Mobile Stage Part 1 (Descriptions and comments), length: 5.55 (关于中外周家详细资料请看Human Mobile Stage Part 1 Descriptions and comments. Length: 5.55).