三碟二膊狮135A, 香港武林名宿何华祥师傅丧礼, Kung Fu Master Ho Wah Cheung Funeral, 中外周彪国术体育会Chung Oi Chau Biu Assn.HK


by hahagohk

三碟二膊醒狮表演135A (Human Mobile Stage no.135A) 本片是香港武林名宿何华祥师傅(Master Ho Wah Cheung)丧礼, 他是香港中外周彪国术体育会(=本会)的副主席,生于1948年,病逝2021年10月13日(星期三)于医院(在香港),享年72岁。拍摄日期和地点:2021年11月1日(星期一),守夜;地点:香港北角香港殡仪馆一楼。

Human Mobile Stage no.135A (三碟二膊醒狮表演135A) This film was Kung Fu Master of Hong Kong , Master Ho Wah Cheung’s funeral who was the vice- chairman of Hong Kong Chung Oi Chau Biu Martial Art and Sports Association (=Our Association), he was born in 1948 and passed away on 13 th October 2021 at Hospital in Hong Kong. This video:Time and Place:01 st November 2021 (Night Vigil), At Hong Kong Funeral Home, North Point, Hong Kong

(Other Chau Ka detail please refer to Human Mobile Stage no.1, 其他中外周家数据,请看Human Mobile Stage No. 1)