Digital book Learn and Apply Pocketbook: Top 200 Drugs, Controlled Drugs, Medical Abbreviations

  • 6 years ago
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Accepted to Pharmacy school? So what now? It is time for the handy pocketbook guide. Accessible on iPhone, iPad, Android, Mac, Windows and all other smart devices. After my pharmacy school, rotations, fellowships, and residency, my preceptors and mentors were strict on the fundamentals of understanding and applying the top 200 drugs. I ve struggled learning the drugs, so I knew I had to strengthened my weakness. So I created a pocket-guide to help myself learn the top drugs. It has evolved my future and blossomed my career so much, I wanted to share my tool with you! Best of all, the drugs are broken down into syllables for you to learn how to pronounce them!Generic namesAll Brand names Primary indicationsControlled DrugsPharmacy Abbreviations Pharmacy Dosage Units
