Best seller Making The Shift:: Activating Personal Transformations To BECOME What You Should

  • 6 years ago
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For many people, the emotional energy of their world has flat-lined, yet they are out to fix it. People are stressed, restless, and wanting more out of life. Despite the fact that most people have what they "need" to be happy, they rarely feel the levels of excitement, engagement, or satisfaction they deserve. So what s the solution? In Making The Shift, Vincent believes the only way to measurably improve the quality of your life is to learn how to activate the personal transformations to become what you should have been. These transformations are your desires for more understanding, connection, change, fulfillment, challenge, creative expression, motivation, contribution, and mental toughness. These drives shape everything you think, feel, and do in life, so understanding and mastering them is critical to your success and happiness. Strategically activating these transformations on a consistent basis is the fastest path to making the shift and living a fully charged life. Harnessing our human drives is not easy; if it were, we wouldn t see so much restlessness in the world. That s why Vincent has devised what he calls "A Date With Your Future"-a series of powerful yet simple actions you can take to radically increase your levels of excitement, engagement, and fulfillment in all areas of your life to move you toward living your passion and experiencing your goals and dreams. What Vincent uncovers in Making The Shift will surprise and challenge you. It turns out that most of the ways we seek to meet our personal transformations, passion and dreams are actually counterproductive. We all want more control, for example, but seeking to have more certainty in our daily lives or to control other people will actually decrease our levels of control and happiness. We have a deep desire for change, too, but we often fail to make the right kinds of change that would make us feel more alive and in command of our lives. In Making The Shift, Vincent helps us overcome these mistake
