Chelsea Clinton Speaks Out Against Cartoon Featuring Kavanaugh’s Daughter

  • 6 years ago
Chelsea Clinton on Wednesday spoke out against the much-maligned cartoon featuring Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s daughter.

Chelsea Clinton on Wednesday spoke out against the much-maligned cartoon featuring Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's ten-year-old daughter.  She stated in a tweet: "Please leave Judge Kavanaugh's daughters alone. They do not belong in your cartoons, "jokes", or skits. If you can't make your point about Judge Kavanaugh, whatever it may be, without bullying his kids, it's not worth making." The image was created by cartoonist Chris Britt following Kavanaugh's testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee, during which he mentioned that his daughter had asked that the family pray for his accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.  Britt drew a young girl kneeling at her bedside and saying, "Dear God, forgive my angry, lying, alcoholic father for sexually assaulting Dr. Ford."  In defending his cartoon, Britt told the Washington Post: "Kavanaugh is the one who ushered his own daughter into the national conversation by telling us his story. The cartoon is not about his daughter — it's about Brett Kavanaugh's possible heavy drinking, his anger and his possibly sexually assaulting Doctor Ford."