Woman Panics Over Close Encounter with Whales

  • 6 years ago
This family was out on their boat when they spotted a few whales coming dangerously close to them. One of the woman onboard panicked at the proximity of the whales and called 911 for help.


00:00don't start the motor do not start the motor all right all right calm down calm
00:10down oh my god it's going right under us you guys you guys it's alright he's
00:17okay relax he's checking us out he's checking us out they're not gonna hurt
00:24you he's right under us look at this you guys you'll never see this okay no it's
00:36okay relax he's gonna check us out and he's
00:39gonna go away very intelligent relax relax relax seriously look at guys
00:52rolling oh oh my god this is amazing you guys there's another one right behind it
01:06it's fine it's right under us I'm not in Puget Sound and there's three gray
01:14whales right underneath our boat and I'm afraid that we might get flipped over I'm really scared
01:19where are we right now drive away dad yeah drive away hurry quick drive away
01:23faster please drive away faster drive away three whales right underneath our boat
01:31wow they're coming towards us that was amazing
01:38they're following us oh my god it's following us
01:42oh honey don't be scared this is awesome
01:53it's not scary they're not they're checking us out
01:57look at him look at him look at how big he is
02:00he's like just go away he's like messed up
02:15oh my god look at him
02:31we are all right they're away from us they're going the other direction
02:39you guys it's not scary
02:45the worst thing that can happen is we go for a swim dude they're not going to kill you they're
02:50whales I promise it's nothing to be scared of we're not going to die we all know how to swim
02:56it's not it's not scary it's just a boat if it gets torn up who cares
03:02you never see that have you ever you will never forget that
