TV-G | 5min | Animation, Family, Short, Sci-Fi, TV Series | Episode aired 1958
From their earth headquarters on Zero Zero Island, Colonel Bleep, Squeek and Scratch battled intergalactic villains such as Doctor Destructo, the master criminal of the universe, The Black Knight, and Captain Patch, a displaced pirate.
Directors: Robert D. Buchanan, Jack Schleh
Writers: Robert D. Buchanan (creator), Jack Schleh (creator)
Star: Noah Tyler
From their earth headquarters on Zero Zero Island, Colonel Bleep, Squeek and Scratch battled intergalactic villains such as Doctor Destructo, the master criminal of the universe, The Black Knight, and Captain Patch, a displaced pirate.
Directors: Robert D. Buchanan, Jack Schleh
Writers: Robert D. Buchanan (creator), Jack Schleh (creator)
Star: Noah Tyler
Short filmTranscript
00:00And now, stand by for adventure, three, two, one.
00:22In the exciting story of Manhunt on the Moon.
00:34Interplanetary investigator Colonel Bleak and his space devotees Squeak and Scratch
00:40floated to a stop just above the surface of the Moon.
00:44They were searching for some trace of the terrible Dr. Destructo among the thousands
00:49of crater marks that dotted the strange landscape.
00:52To Bleak it appeared that these craters might have been caused by thousands of meteors crashing
00:56down at terrific speed.
00:59But many scientists believe the strange markings are the scars of a tremendous bubbling action
01:04caused when hot internal gases escaped to the outer surface back when the Moon was soft
01:09and pliable.
01:10Scratch, however, imagined the many craters had been left long ago by violent volcanic
01:18Similar to those the planet Earth had experienced from time to time.
01:23Then, something below caught their attention.
01:26Glistening in the sun at the very top of Mount Likeness, the Moon's highest visible peak
01:30stood a strange tower.
01:32It closely resembled the man-made structure called the Eiffel Tower, which is a familiar
01:36landmark on Earth.
01:37In the city of Paris, diving down for a closer look, Bleak and his friends found a huge reflecting
01:44mirror with a powerful lens attached to the top of the tower.
01:48This had been the Moon power device used by Dr. Destructo not long ago to guide the runaway
01:53rocket straight down toward Zero Zero Island.
01:56While Bleak and Squeak searched for clues, Scratch peered through the powerful lens for
02:01a telescopic view of the Earth beyond.
02:04But as he looked, he froze with horror.
02:07For there, with one foot on South America and the other on South Africa, stood a tremendous
02:14black giant.
02:17Actually, it was only a highly magnified shadow of the caveman himself, projected nearly a
02:23quarter of a million miles through space by the light of the Moon.
02:27But the sight was so terrifying, the frightened Scratch fell over backwards and tumbled down
02:33to almost certain death on the rocks below.
02:36Squeak showed up just in time to see his helpless companion falling straight down upon
02:40the puppet himself.
02:41Squeak couldn't move or even call for help.
02:44He could only cover his eyes and wait for the bone-splintering crash.
02:48He waited for the end, and waited, and waited, but nothing happened.
02:53Then, Squeak opened his eyes just as Scratch gently floated into his arms.
02:58For you see, the gravity pull of the Moon is only one-sixth as great as Earth.
03:02Scratch almost floated down that great distance like a feather to land unharmed in the arms
03:08of little Squeak.
03:10Suddenly, Bleep urgently signaled his companion.
03:14He had found still another clue.
03:17At the base of the tower was a scrap of notebook paper covered with the hasty scrawls of Dr.
03:22Destructo's own hand.
03:25To the others, it was only a jumble of strange symbols.
03:28But to Bleep, this was a flight plan.
03:31Destructo's own flight plan.
03:34And it told the Colonel exactly where this master culprit had gone.
03:38It would take courage to follow Destructo now.
03:42For Bleep knew this place.
03:45Knew it too well.
03:47And he was sure that fantastic terrors would be waiting out there.