Families left homeless after Hurricane Michael smashes Florida

  • 6 years ago
These are the devastating sights in Panama City, Florida as Teddy Rawlins and other members of the community try to recuperate from the hammering of Hurricane Michael yesterday (October 10).

Rawlins, who has now lost his house and most of his belongings after the first half of the tropical storm hit the Floridan coast, was trying clear the roads and the storm drains so life could somehow get back to normal.

The locals were trying to salvage what they could from the wreckage that was once a thriving suburbia with a close-knit community.

Rawlins said: "I have personally been affected because my fiancee and my two kids no longer have a house. Our house's roof was ripped off and is laying in the front yard."

He additionally said: "I grew up in and the place my mom and dad have lived for the last 13 years...It is highly stressful. I've worked hard for the things I have and it all just tailing away from me in less than a day."

Hurricane Michael made landfall yesterday as a category five tropical storm with winds reaching up to 155mph and has been said to be the strongest hurricane Florida has seen in over 50 years.