Need to Move More Weekly Weigh In 11/18/18

  • 6 years ago
Waist: 53.5
Weight: 331.5
BMI: 41.4

The only real secret to weight loss is to move more and eat less. And there were a few times this week where I ate more than I should have on the things I shouldn't have. The main thing I didn't do was get up and move. I took some paid time off this week so I wasn't moving nearly as much as I would have on any other week. This tends to happen to me whenever I take vacation I always tend to gain weight the next week and that leads to frustration with the current diet that I am on. However I am still liking the Keto diet, I just know that I can't expect to lose weight by sitting here at my computer all of the time. If I don't get up and move I'm not going to lose anything. It doesn't matter what I'm eating.