• 7 years ago
Featuring Serge Laporte in the role of God himself & JF William as Mr Wannabe (ze devil by any other name)

Hey Mister God,
J.F. Love your Earthly mess
Dear Mister Wannabe,
S Think you’d do better than me

J.F. Hell could do no worse than your holy bloody wars
S It’s called “free will”, what have you done with yours
J.F. You made up the rules on your Ship of Fools
S You hanging out with Eve sealed that deal

Hey Mister God,
J.F. Love your Babylon whores
Dear Mister Wannabe,
S Time to settle the score

J.F. Could’ve made them Gods, but you made them human
Could’ve learned from me, but you’re too blind to see
S Corrupted Angels followed your lead
Blood against blood, I gave ‘em the Flood

Hey Mr. God, Dear Mr. Wannabe…

Salvation is a Rubik’s cube
Fear of Death is the lube
A bittersweet symphony
To comfort thee
Bring upon all of us
The miracle of Love
Cos’ all you need is Love

Hey Mister God,
J.F. Love your Earthly mess
Dear Mister Wannabe,
S Think you’d do better than me

Hey Mr. God, Dear Mr. Wannabe…

Gotta stoke the Bonfire of the Gods
Hey, we’re just looking out for our jobs



