Satan's Final War Plan [in effect now] - David Ray Wilkerson

  • 6 years ago
This critical message was delivered roughly around the turn of the last millennium from Times Square Church in New York City, U.S.A. as part of the Home Gathering Series. Overlaid on the video are the twenty-eight references that Reverend Wilkerson used while speaking. Rev. Wilkerson did not preach in the name of any specific denomination. Instead, he focused on biblical preaching with the aim of encouraging people to seek God through a personal and deeper knowledge of Jesus Christ and the experience of the Holy Spirit. He said, "I am not preaching some denominational doctrine, this church does not belong to any denomination. We are not Assemblies of God, we are not Baptist, we're not Methodist, we're not Catholic. We're just Holy Ghost people believing this book (The Bible)."

“…(In the wilderness) The Israelites had become bored with the things of God. They were just going through the motions. In his mercy, the Lord continued to direct their daily affairs and provide for them. But these people would never enter into his fullness. Is it any wonder their clothes and shoes never wore out? They simply weren't going anywhere.

This is also the sad state of many churches today. God may extend his mercy to a congregation - freeing them of debt, giving them direction for good works, supplying them with finances for new construction. Yet that church may remain in a spiritual wilderness, never going anywhere. They can enjoy a measure of God's blessing - enough to keep from dying of thirst - but they remain weak, weary, ready to die. And it's all because their focus is still on the things of the world. They have no spirit, no life.

Simply put, only the joy of the Lord supplies us with true strength. We can talk all we want to about our ten- or twenty-year walk with Christ. We can show off our robe of righteousness. But if we're not allowing the Holy Spirit to maintain the joy of the Lord in our hearts - if we aren't continually hungering for his word - then we're losing our fire. And we won't be ready for what comes upon the world in these last days.

How do we maintain the joy of the Lord? We do it the same way we obtained his joy in the beginning: First, we love, honor and hunger excitedly for God's word. Second, we continually walk in repentance. And third, we separate ourselves from all worldly influences. This is how a Holy Ghost person or church maintains "Jesus joy" - rejoicing always, full of gladness and mirth.”

Excerpted from, “Maintaining the Joy of the Lord,” by David Wilkerson, July 24, 2000, at URL:
