Trump Again Attacks Media, Says 'Never In The History' Press Has Been As 'Dishonest' As Today

  • 6 years ago
President Trump on Saturday again went after the media on Twitter.

President Trump took to Twitter on Saturday and slammed the media.
"Never in the history of our Country has the 'press' been more dishonest than it is today," Trump wrote. "Stories that should be good, are bad. Stories that should be bad, are horrible. Many stories, like with the REAL story on Russia, Clinton & the DNC, seldom get reported. Too bad!"
In response to his post, New York Times' Maggie Haberman tweeted: "What is the positive version of a story about federal prosecutors saying a president directed hush money as a candidate? Or multiple investigations into Cabinet members? These are objectively not 'positive' fact sets."
Trump has repeatedly gone after the media during his presidency.
"The Fake News Media is going CRAZY! They are totally unhinged and in many ways, after witnessing first hand the damage they do to so many innocent and decent people, I enjoy watching. In 7 years, when I am no longer in office, their ratings will dry up and they will be gone!" he tweeted earlier this year.
And in another tweet, the president stated: "When the media - driven insane by their Trump Derangement Syndrome - reveals internal deliberations of our government, it  truly puts the lives of many, not just journalists, at risk! Very unpatriotic!"