Bag of Candy Thrown at Store Clerk - Mt.Healthy police body camera video of teen girl's arrest

  • 6 years ago
Over-reaction for throwing a bag of candy at a store clerk?

Mount Healthy, OH - Police have released video of the arrest of a teenage girl from the Mt. Healthy officers' points of view.

Officers picked up the girl and her friends after a Family Dollar store clerk called in a report that the kids threw a bag of candy at her.

Minutes later, police confronted the girl on the side of the road, insisting she was guilty of disorderly conduct.

In a split second, the situation turns ugly. After police haul the girl to the ground, face to the pavement, you can hear her begin to cry.

Her friends try to calm her down.

As they carry the girl to the police car, she continues to resist.

More officers are called in to assist in the arrest of the teen who threw the bag of candy at the store clerk.

Police charged the teen with assault on a police officer and resisting arrest, but no charges laid over the store incident.

The girl's parents tell me they are seeking the counsel of a civil rights attorney.

Mt. Healthy police are conducting an internal investigation of this arrest.
