Anyone who has been through a break-up will tell you how much it hurts. An unexpected and unwanted breakup can cause severe pain. According to scientific research, when we go through a heartbreak the same areas in the brain are activated of that when we encounter physical pain.
Missing your significant stirs the same feeling as an addiction. In other words, love is addictive, and breaking up with someone is like going through withdrawal.
And, as such, separated individuals are often subjected to stress, fatigue, lack of appetite, etc. The magical remedy does not exist... not yet! However, time is the great healer. It was just not the right person at right time. Everything is going to be alright!
Missing your significant stirs the same feeling as an addiction. In other words, love is addictive, and breaking up with someone is like going through withdrawal.
And, as such, separated individuals are often subjected to stress, fatigue, lack of appetite, etc. The magical remedy does not exist... not yet! However, time is the great healer. It was just not the right person at right time. Everything is going to be alright!