eviannaïve (2005) (Trailer) | exilfilm

  • 5 years ago
"eviannaïve" (Trailer) | German (Original Version),
German w/ subtitles in English, French, or Castellano (International Versions)
(80 min.; Release Year: 2005)

"Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state becomes lawless or corrupt".
(Mahatma Ghandi)

In Berlin, young activists organise a special train to Geneva to block, or "in the best case", to disrupt, the G8 Summit in Evian and around the Lac Léman.

Lukas Engelmann, 21 years old, is the ATTAC's co-ordinator for this unique happening. More than a thousand young people participate in this initiative and board in one of 15 stations in order to be a part of the rolling demonstration.

Organised in Affinity Groups, they protest against "the not elected world government". Social and civil disobedience is their way to radically change the world.

"Another world is possible"..."eviannaïve" portraits Ulrike, Friedrich, Pedram, Lukas and many others during the journey, the block, and the days they spent in the Village Intergalaktique, in their experiment on new social structures.


© 2005

Verena Vargas
Laurent Notaro

