Lindsey Graham has turned into a Gloomy Gus over the government shutdown

  • 5 years ago
Lindsey Graham is officially depressed over the gridlock around trying to find a solution to the government shutdown.

Here’s what he had to say:

He always promised over and over that Mexico would pay for the wall, which in my opinion was the dumbest promise he ever made on the campaign trail and it continues to cause him grief over it. I never understood why he’d say such a thing because America is both willing and able to pay for it – we don’t need another country to take care of our border security.

But if we want to argue semantics, he was never explicit about what he meant when promising it that I remember. But he did suggest around the time he became president that Mexico would pay for it indirectly. So if he wants to claim that a trade deal that Congress may or may not approve will pay for it, whatever. I’m just ready to get the wall built so we can better secure our borders.


