Democrat goes OFF THE RAILS, claims Trump ultimate goal is to get rid people of color

  • 5 years ago
This statement by a Democrat is beyond preposterous, but that didn’t her from spewing it on MSNBC.

Rep. Jayapal from Washington State actually said that Trump’s ultimate goal is to make America ‘pure’, meaning ‘not having immigrants or people of color’ here in the US.


She claims Trump wants to shut down ALL immigration because he doesn’t want people of color in the US. I mean, I can’t even…

I don’t know if this is what they really think or this racist narrative is what they are manufacturing in order to defeat Trump in 2020. I’m guessing the latter, but I wouldn’t put the former past them.

Seriously, she sounds absolutely nuts to spew such ridiculous tripe.

I think they should just run with this narrative in 2020. They should make it their slogan. “Donald Trump wants to get rid of black and brown people in the US!” It will work even better than their socialist tax-hiking narrative at re-electing Trump.