• 6 years ago
The process of house-hunting can be incredibly difficult and time consuming. Make a hasty choice and you could find yourself with a home that requires millions of shillings in renovations and lots of patience.

This week, Sharon Mundia was joined by Joe Miano as they toured The Confluence Apartments' showroom - a beautiful complex situated in the leafy suburbs of Lavington.

The beautifully designed space features thoughtful details from marble tiles, to fitted appliances in the kitchen, gypsum ceiling designs and good lighting options - all of which help elevate your space.

Some of the tips shared in the video include paying attention to lighting, storage options and finishing. They also share what room requires the most attention as it will often be the most expensive to renovate. Any guesses which?
Sharon Mundia (@thisisess)
Joe Muchiri(@joemmuchiri)
Francis Mbatha (@francombatha)
Chris Wanjagi (@thedirectionman)
