• 6 years ago
Passed | 1h 7min | Comedy, Music, Western | 5 September 1948 (USA)

The bad guy steals a gold mine from his partner and then murders him. Next he turns to rustling cattle.

Director: William Witney

Writer: Sloan Nibley

Stars: Roy Rogers, Trigger, Adele Mara
01:29It was 20 years ago when my partner Jim Andrews and I
01:32staked a claim up north of here and started to work.
01:35We had a nice vein of ore that paid off for months,
01:38and things were looking good for us until the ore started to pinch off,
01:41and then one day it was gone.
01:44But we knew that a little deeper in we'd strike it again,
01:47so we worked harder than ever.
01:50This blast should open up a new vein that'll make us forget all about the other.
01:56I had a few ideas and plans of my own,
01:59especially about the gold from the new vein.
02:02I'd worked hard on that mine, and this time I wanted it all for myself.
02:06I figured that if my partner was in the mine and the dynamite went off accidentally,
02:11I wouldn't have a partner anymore, and his share of the mine would be mine.
02:15Okay, Jim, better check the connections on your end.
02:19Sure thing, Farrell.
02:21Jim went back into the tunnel to make a final inspection of the powder and electrical connections.
02:25That was just the way I'd planned it.
02:27So I had to work fast to get the detonator rigged.
02:30Then I waited until he got closer.
02:37Eagerly I searched for the gold we both knew was there, the gold that would make me rich.
02:41But we guessed wrong, and all I could see was hard rock.
02:44Gold is where you find it.
02:45But the vein we were searching for wasn't there.
02:47I suddenly realized the mine was worthless.
02:49It was hard to believe, but my dreams of riches had vanished,
02:52and I had murdered my partner, all for nothing.
02:55Suddenly I saw him move.
02:57He was still alive.
03:02Farrell, you...
03:03No, it was an accident, Jim.
03:04Something happened to the wires, a short circuit.
03:08I'll get you some water.
03:12I have a baby daughter.
03:14Her mother's dead.
03:17My share of the gold...
03:19I left for her in a trust fund in Grass Valley...
03:24with an attorney named...
03:26Jason Howley.
03:28Don't worry, Jim.
03:29I'll see that she gets the money.
03:32Thanks a lot, Farrell.
03:35I have a picture of her in my...
03:41A trust fund in Grass Valley.
03:43So that's what he'd been doing with his money.
03:45Except for that kid of his while I was spending mine on fun and excitement at the gambling table.
03:50Well, you can't leave a dead partner for the coyotes and buzzards...
03:53or for the police, either.
03:55So I decided that the mine would be a proper rave for Jim Andrews.
04:00And maybe Jim's accident was gonna make me rich after all.
04:04One silver dollar dated 1899.
04:08If it was gonna bring me the same kind of luck it brought Jim, I didn't want it.
04:12So I gave it back to him.
04:14But the trust fund was something else.
04:16Just like he had told me.
04:18The picture of the baby was there in his wallet along with his other personal papers.
04:28You know, it's hard to believe that was 16 years ago.
04:31She's now of age and coming out here to get her money.
04:33Here, read this.
04:37So she's on her way out here to get the $50,000 that isn't here.
04:41We're in plenty of trouble.
04:42I wish now I hadn't taken your advice on those bad mining ventures.
04:46If that girl finds out our money's gone, we'll both go to jail.
04:50You're an attorney. You should be able to figure something out.
04:53But in case you can't, I have a solution.
04:55Now listen, Farrell, you murdered that girl's father.
04:58But you'll keep your hands off her.
05:01I may have been part of a few crimes in my life, but murder's not one of them.
05:05Who said anything about murder?
05:08You remember that ghost train scheme I spoke to you about?
05:11Another wild idea of yours.
05:13Wild idea or not, Rogers and the Pioneers are starting to ship those blooded cattle
05:18they've been raising for the past five years.
05:20If we can get our hands on a few of them, it'll take care of the girl and us too.
05:25I've already listened to you once too often.
05:32But if we don't get our hands on some money, somebody's going to jail.
05:37Yeah, yeah.
05:39Rogers starts shipping those cattle tomorrow.
05:50Hey fellas, can't you hear that? Casey wants to talk to us.
06:08Go, go.
06:38Go, go.
07:01Hello Casey.
07:02Sure you look like an old-fashioned train robber, riding over those hills?
07:07It's a good thing I'm not. I'd hate to try to get tough with you.
07:11You're right there, Roy.
07:14I'm rough, tough, and mean.
07:16And I've got some of the finest cattle shipped out of here in 20 years with me.
07:21We're glad you think so, Casey.
07:25That new-blooded stock of yours is going to make you boys rich.
07:29Jinx at the hardware store said that your new bit was ready for you.
07:32I figured that I'd pick you up along in here somewhere.
07:35We can hear that whistle of yours a long ways off.
07:38Ah, you rascal. You're a chivalry after.
07:41And you know where I keep it, too, don't you?
07:45There. There's those two saddle strings you wanted.
07:48They're the best I could get.
07:49Well, thanks a lot. How much I owe you?
07:51Forget it. You owe me just one good song and about ten choruses.
07:56Come on, now. Just once, for old time's sake.
07:59On the big rock in the mountain.
08:06That's it. Oh, say, I've got to be gone.
08:10Well, thanks a lot, Casey, and take it easy.
08:13Don't worry. I've got a long, slow run through the hills tonight.
08:18Now, you give those cattle a good ride.
08:20They're going to pay off the mortgage on the old homestead.
08:23That'll be the first fold in money we've had in five years.
08:26You can be sure that old Casey will take better care of them than their own mothers.
08:47Well, there they go. Take a look at them. Ain't they beauts?
08:50Sure are.
08:51Five years of hard work and now it's finally going to pay off.
08:54Yeah. Now maybe we can take a vacation.
08:57Not until you finish that fence. We've got some yearlings coming in here to pasture.
09:01Sometimes I think you shouldn't have left the state police.
09:04You're still a cop at heart.
09:05If somebody wasn't a cop around here, we wouldn't be getting that nice big fat check case you'll bring back to us.
09:11Oh, the check. Oh, goodbye, baby. Be good.
09:51Morning, boys.
09:52Morning, Ollie.
09:53Take a look at this.
09:58It's Rogers.
09:59I figured he'd be coming into town.
10:01Sure was a tough break losing all those cattle.
10:11Hiya, Roy.
10:12Hiya, Cookie.
10:14Any clues yet?
10:15Only what's here on the paper.
10:18The fireman of the cattle train when questioned said that it was a dark night and he was busy watching the track ahead.
10:24When he turned and yelled something at Casey, he noticed that the engineer appeared to be sleeping.
10:29Being surprised at this, he crossed over to shake him and discovered that he was dead.
10:34Poor guy didn't have a chance.
10:36Roy, the fireman never stopped the train till he got to the junction.
10:40That's when he discovered the cattle were missing and called me.
10:43Now, the mystery is the train never stopped once.
10:47The doors were closed and locked and still the cattle were gone.
10:51Now, that beats me.
10:53Well, it put us back about five years.
10:55Yeah, I hear you boys have been working hard.
10:58Cookie, is there anything I can do for Casey's family?
11:01No, they're all right.
11:03The only thing we can do to help is to catch the rat that did this.
11:06I know that.
11:08Top shelf, first one on the right.
11:13I knew you'd feel this way.
11:15That's why I had it all polished and waiting for you.
11:18Roy, I'm going to have to swear you in again.
11:20Put your left hand on the Bible, raise your right.
11:23Do you?
11:24I do.
11:26Now that you're on the payroll, you got any ideas?
11:28Yes, do you have any old clothes at home?
11:30Well, the ones I do my housework in.
11:32Well, go get them.
11:33We're going to do some plain clothes work.
11:35Well, I ain't done anything like this since I took the desk job.
11:38I'll meet you back here in a half an hour.
11:40I'll be ready.
11:56Plain clothes or no plain clothes,
11:58I still think we ought to have brought our horses.
12:00We ain't picked up a clue, and all we've done is walk, walk, walk.
12:04Yeah, and you aren't built for walking.
12:07I think we can get back quicker by not following the railroad tracks.
12:10Let's get over on the highway. We might catch a ride.
12:12Well, it suits me. My feet are killing me.
12:32Hey, Cookie, look.
12:37Yeah, looks like relief from my corns.
12:39I wonder if they'll give us a ride. Let's see.
12:44Pick up the tools and put them in there, huh?
12:48I ain't taking a sec.
12:51Get in. We're set.
12:53Hey, get a load of that.
12:58Could be bandits. They have them out here, you know.
13:00I read all about them.
13:01No bandits, no bandits. Let's get out of here.
13:09It won't start.
13:13Hey, miss, how about a ride into town?
13:15Sorry, but we're crowded.
13:17And besides, we don't have any room.
13:21Come on.
13:40Doggone, you just barely made it.
13:42They didn't seem very anxious to have our company, did they?
13:45They look like pretty nice girls. I don't think they'll mind.
13:48Oh, looky here. A radio.
13:50All the comforts of home. Might as well have a little music.
13:54I knew we never should have left New York.
13:56Out here in this no-man's land, no taxis, no numbers.
13:59Relax. We'll be in Grass Valley in no time.
14:02It's just up the road.
14:04Well, let's see what we've got to eat here.
14:06My favorite food. Look.
14:09I'll have one.
14:10Well, good, I'll have two.
14:14Wow, wow.
14:15We might as well sit down and relax.
14:20One look at them in their big hats, I knew they were desperate characters.
14:23No telling what might have happened to us.
14:25One of them was awfully cute.
14:27Yeah, but if we had a blind date, I know which one I would get.
14:31This is the life.
14:36Yeah, it's pretty.
14:40Say, did you leave the radio on?
14:42I certainly did not.
14:47It's them.
14:48They're in there.
14:50Those two bandits.
14:51They're back there in the trailer. Drive fast.
15:25Joan, can't you go any faster?
15:27Faster? I've got it down to the floorboard now.
15:40Well, we're coming into town.
15:42Find out what the police station is.
15:55Help, murder, please.
15:58Wait, where's the police station?
16:00Half a block.
16:01Straight ahead.
16:07Help, please.
16:10We got two men in the trailer.
16:12Well, what do you want me for?
16:14Don't be funny.
16:15They're desperate characters.
16:16They're probably murderers.
16:19Stand back, little lady.
16:21Take the other side.
16:23Now, you folks take cover.
16:24There might be gunplay.
16:26Oh, I hope they don't have to shoot the cute one.
16:29All right.
16:31Come on out with your hands up.
16:40Sergeant Bullfincher.
16:44Carry on.
16:45Did those girls...
16:47They certainly did.
16:49What happened to him?
16:50The same thing that happened to me.
16:52Is this thing still in one piece?
17:14Then they're not.
17:17Then they're not criminals?
17:19No, they're not criminals.
17:20They just happen to be two of the best law officers the state ever had.
17:23Oh, dear.
17:25Now, if you want to go in there and square yourself with them,
17:27I'd do it right away.
17:29All right.
17:30As you say, officer.
17:32Just a minute.
17:33You know, you almost got me into trouble.
17:36You look Western enough to take care of yourself.
17:39I do?
17:43They did come in here, didn't they?
17:45Well, they must be in there.
17:47Let's get this thing over with.
18:05Get us out of here!
18:09Is it?
18:10It sure is.
18:11They sure get around, don't they?
18:13Let's leave, ma'am.
18:14Oh, now, wait a minute.
18:16We didn't do it on purpose.
18:17We sure didn't.
18:18And we're awful sorry about it, too.
18:20I'm Joan Anderson.
18:21This is Tony Borden.
18:22You see, Mr. Rogers, we've been seeing a lot of movies lately,
18:25so naturally we thought you were bandits.
18:27Get the keys, cookie.
18:29Movies, eh?
18:30Well, in that case, I guess we'll have to forgive you.
18:32But as far as Sergeant Bullfinch is concerned,
18:34it was much better than walking at that.
18:39It's what you think.
18:45What are you doing out here?
18:46We came out to collect a trust fund.
18:48Years ago, my father, Jim Andrews, was killed in a mine accident
18:51not far from here and left it for me.
18:53Who handles the fund?
18:54Oh, a lawyer named Jason Howley.
18:56We're using part of it to build a place in the country.
18:59Yeah, well, you're tired of living in a trailer.
19:01I know Howley.
19:02He has an office across the street and down about a block.
19:04Well, as soon as I get cleaned up, I'll go over and see him.
19:07No hard feelings?
19:09No hard feelings.
19:11If there's anything I can do for you, just let me know.
19:15As a matter of fact, there is.
19:17Would you mind looking up the record of my father's death?
19:20I'd like to know where he was buried.
19:22Of course, I'll be glad to.
19:23I'd appreciate it.
19:24I'd like to see that his grave is being cared for.
19:27I'll let you know as soon as I hear.
19:28Good, thanks.
19:32Isn't he pretty, Joan, a blonde whore?
19:35He certainly is.
19:36Is he yours?
19:37Mm-hmm, this is Trigger.
19:38Trigger, say hello to the girl.
19:42What do you use on his hair?
19:44Not a thing, ma'am.
19:45He was born that way.
19:47I wonder how I'd look in this color.
19:50Look, Joan, bangs.
19:58Well, that's that.
20:00You take this, pay off the man.
20:02I'll take the rest over to the bank and straighten out the Andrews girl account.
20:05Not a bad little haul for one night's work.
20:07Should happen more often.
20:08Now listen, Farrell, we've gotten out of one mess.
20:11I don't want to...
20:12Hey, Howie.
20:17That looks like Andrews' girl now.
20:18Get out of sight before I talk to her.
20:21And try and keep quiet.
20:33Mr. Howie?
20:34That's right.
20:36I'll bet you're Joan Andrews.
20:38I got your letter.
20:39I'm glad you arrived safely.
20:41I didn't know exactly what day to expect you,
20:43so I haven't all the papers ready yet.
20:46You know, transferring an amount of money like that
20:48takes quite a little paperwork.
20:50It does?
20:51Well, I thought all I had...
20:52Now, don't you worry.
20:53I'll take care of everything.
20:55You must be pretty tired.
20:56As a matter of fact, we are.
20:59Yes, my girlfriend and I.
21:01We had quite a ride today.
21:03I think I could stand a day's rest.
21:05Of course.
21:06It'll do you good.
21:07Meanwhile, I'll straighten out everything at the bank,
21:09and we'll talk business later.
21:11Now, I'll call the hotel and get rooms for you.
21:13Oh, it won't be necessary.
21:14We're living in a trailer we brought with us.
21:16Oh, in that case, I'll get someone to help you.
21:23This is Miss Andrews.
21:25I want you to show her where to park her trailer.
21:27Mort will do anything he can to help you.
21:29But I will.
21:31Well, thank you, Mr. Howie.
21:34I don't think it would be necessary.
21:36We'll take care of everything, really.
21:38Thank you, too.
21:43We didn't get our hands on that money any too soon.
21:46Oh, Farrell.
21:48Hey, put that back.
21:50Sit down and listen to me.
21:51Are you trying to double-cross me?
21:53I'm not trying to double-cross anybody.
21:54I'm trying to protect you.
21:56I'm going to put this money where you can't get your hands on it
21:58and give it to that girl.
21:59And we'll both go to the penitentiary.
22:01Not if they can't find us.
22:03A lot of money in that box and in a couple of weeks
22:05there's going to be a lot more.
22:07Why should we share it with a girl that's big enough
22:09to make her own living?
22:10Yeah, she's also big enough to cause us a lot of trouble.
22:12You're an attorney?
22:13Try stalling her.
22:14That's your problem.
22:16Now, listen, Farrell.
22:17I am an attorney.
22:19Now, don't be dumb.
22:21That's a smart girl.
22:23I've been at this game a long time.
22:25Play it my way.
22:26I'll keep the money.
22:27I promise you.
22:29You know, I think you're right, Howie.
22:31But I don't want to lose your friendship.
22:33You and I got to stick together.
22:35Put that money in the safe
22:37and don't worry about the girl getting it.
22:43Oh, I'm sorry you were jilted.
22:46But you can come with me, precious.
23:01I love you.
23:31I love you.
24:02I love you.
24:03I love you.
24:32They sure turn in early.
24:35I guess this can wait till morning.
24:40I'll leave it.
25:01I love you.
25:31I love you.
25:32I love you.
25:33I love you.
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27:50I love you.
27:51I love you.
27:52I love you.
27:53I love you.
27:54I love you.
27:55I love you.
28:47Come on, come on.
28:48Look, how many times do I have to tell you?
28:51I was walking by the trailer camp.
28:53I saw somebody monkeying with a cooking gas.
28:55Naturally, I thought you were a prowler, so I slugged you.
28:58What were you doing around there?
28:59I'm not going to say a word until my attorney gets here.
29:06Good evening, gentlemen.
29:08I see you have my partner under arrest.
29:11He's also my client, you know.
29:14I'd like to arrange bail immediately.
29:16Sorry, Howley, but there'll be no bail.
29:18He's in for attempted murder.
29:20Lock him up, Cookie.
29:21Now, just a minute, Sheriff.
29:23You're asking for a lot of trouble.
29:24We're used to it.
29:25Well, you're going to get it.
29:27Farrell, don't say anything.
29:29I'll see you in the morning.
29:31This part of the office is private.
29:33Well, things have come to a pretty pass
29:34when you bullies can throw a law-abiding citizen
29:36into jail without any evidence.
29:38How do you know there isn't any evidence?
29:40Why, I...
29:41Well, there couldn't be any evidence.
29:43I know my partner is an honest, decent man,
29:46and he wouldn't do such a thing.
29:47I warned your friend, and I'm warning you.
29:49You're making a big mistake.
29:50Just wait till the court opens in the morning.
29:52I'll get a writ.
29:53You can't do anything like this to me.
29:56Hey, he was a little upset, wasn't he?
29:58Say, I did what you asked me to this afternoon.
30:00I checked with Kramer down at the bank,
30:02and there's been no large deposits made this week.
30:05That's too bad.
30:06Another leak gone.
30:07I did find out that Howley got an express money order
30:10for $20,000 this afternoon, though.
30:14$20,000 for Howley?
30:17That's a lot of money in one week.
30:19$20,000 for him?
30:21Where'd it come from?
30:23I know just what you're thinking.
30:24I thought so, too.
30:26But them cattle were worth $40,000
30:28if they're worth a penny.
30:30Not if they're stolen.
30:33Howley seemed awful anxious to get Farrell out of here.
30:37Let's take her on over to the trailer camp
30:38and see how the girls are.
30:49Howley's coming.
30:55Good morning, gentlemen.
30:57I'm sorry I was so upset last night.
31:00May I come in?
31:01Why not?
31:03I should have told you this before.
31:05Told us what?
31:06It's about my client, Mr. Farrell,
31:08and I'd rather say it in front of him if you don't mind.
31:12After all, I know the law, Mr. Rogers.
31:15That's right, Roy.
31:16I'll let him out.
31:20Clancy, let Farrell out.
31:28Sit down.
31:31You see, Rogers,
31:33when I said last night that I was sure Farrell
31:36couldn't have been guilty of an attempted murder on Joan,
31:39I was pretty sure of what I was saying.
31:41Then why didn't you explain him?
31:43Uh, you'll understand in a moment.
31:46I don't know who tried to kill Joan Andrews,
31:48but I'm sure it wasn't this man,
31:51because this man is actually Jim Andrews,
31:54Joan's father.
31:57How about that, Farrell?
31:59As your attorney, I advise you to tell him.
32:01Yeah, he's right.
32:03When I was younger, I got in a jam
32:05and they put me in the penitentiary.
32:07When I got out, I came west.
32:09My wife never forgave me.
32:11She made me promise that Joan, our daughter,
32:13would never know.
32:14Then why did you change your name to Farrell?
32:17Because of the promise.
32:20I didn't want Joan to know
32:22that her father, Jim Andrews, was still alive.
32:25Have you any proof of this?
32:29I have his billfold right here.
32:32Here's a picture of Joan as a baby.
32:36There's all his old identification papers.
32:39I took the liberty of taking them out of your room.
32:42That's the reason I was down at the trailer last night.
32:45This country's pretty rugged,
32:47and I wanted to be near my daughter
32:50and watch out for her.
32:52What are you going to do about it?
32:54If it's all the same to you,
32:56I'd just as soon go on thinking I was dead.
32:59And we'll have a trust fund ready
33:01as soon as the papers are all straightened out.
33:04Farrell looks like I've made a mistake.
33:06I'm sorry.
33:07It's all right, Rogers.
33:09Anybody could make a mistake, after all.
33:11How could you know?
33:13As far as attempted murder's concerned.
33:18We'll just forget the whole thing.
33:20Thank you, Rogers.
33:21I knew you'd be reasonable.
33:30Have a good smoke, Sheriff.
33:37Roy, you didn't believe that stuff, did you?
33:40Why not?
33:41They had plenty of proof.
33:43Those identification papers were the real thing.
33:45Yeah, but where did he get them?
33:47Cookie, you remember Joan's father
33:49had a partner named Farrell.
33:51You don't think he got Andrew's identification papers back?
33:54That's just what I think.
33:56I also think they've been juggling the books
33:58a little with Joan's money,
33:59and they're trying to cover up.
34:02Have a good smoke.
34:13Good morning.
34:19Well, you're right on time.
34:20How do you feel?
34:22What happened last night seems like a bad dream.
34:25Say, Joan, before you came to this town,
34:28did the name Farrell mean anything to you?
34:32That's what I thought.
34:34Come on, we're going to go prospecting.
34:36I'll explain to you on the way out.
34:40Come on.
34:42Come on.
35:08Say, are you sure this is it?
35:11If the dope I got at the claiming office is correct,
35:14this was the lucky gem.
35:16I wonder what kind of a mine it was.
35:18Well, it doesn't look like much of any kind.
35:20Well, it must have been something.
35:21Damn it, it's...
35:45Look what I found.
35:54Lucky Jim Andrews.
36:01That's the year Ted was born.
36:11Oh, Roy.
36:14Is Dad still...
36:15Oh, Roy.
36:16I wouldn't go in there, Joan.
36:17Those timbers have been there for a long time.
36:19They might cave in on you.
36:22I understand.
36:24This is probably the reason his death was never reported.
36:27He was murdered.
36:30Yes, and I'm pretty sure Farrell, as his partner,
36:32had something to do with it.
36:34And he also had something to do with our cattle.
36:37What are we going to do about this?
36:39I'm going to arrest him as soon as I get enough evidence.
36:42I'll need your help.
36:44Of course.
36:58You got me out of jail just in time, Holly.
37:00The pioneers are going to load some more cattle.
37:05Shut up.
37:06Farrell, I gotta tell you something.
37:07Shut up and listen.
37:08They're loading tonight.
37:09I'll get a hold of the boys.
37:10It'll be the same setup.
37:11Oh, fine.
37:12That, with the other money, will give us plenty.
37:14Of course, I don't know how much longer I can keep us out of jail.
37:16Listen, Holly.
37:17What do you want?
37:18I want to tell you about Rogers and that dame.
37:19They've been out in the country riding.
37:20What's so unusual about that?
37:21Nothing except they stopped off by those old diggings
37:23near Twin Peaks and were snooping around.
37:24Twin Peaks?
37:25That's the old mine.
37:26What else you see?
37:31Hello, Mr. Howley.
37:33Oh, hello.
37:36Hello, Joan.
37:37Don't you enjoy your ride?
37:38Why, yes.
37:41Mr. Howley, I must see you again about the trust fund.
37:44You see, I've got to have it right away.
37:46We're leaving tomorrow, and I need the money very badly.
37:49Well, you see, Joan, as I explained...
37:50Did Mr. Rogers send you?
37:53Why, no.
37:54Then why the sudden departure?
37:56You weren't in any hurry last night.
37:58You told me you had plenty of time.
37:59I did?
38:01Well, I guess if I did, on second thought...
38:06On second thought, take her in the other room
38:08and tire her of that chair.
38:10And please don't open your mouth like a little girl
38:12and yell, because if you do...
38:15Don't worry.
38:17Let's go.
38:28Why'd you do that?
38:29We were already involved in one, wasn't it?
38:31Be quiet.
38:32I'm sure that girl's working for Rogers.
38:35As she is, that cattle shipment's a plant,
38:37and we don't want to take any chances.
38:41I want her to overhear a little act
38:42that you and I are going to do.
38:44It'll be dark in about a half an hour,
38:46and I'll tell you about it.
38:58Hi, Roy.
38:59Where have you been?
39:00I know I'm later than I should be, Cookie,
39:01but a lot of things have happened.
39:03I've been with the freight agent
39:04and had him delay the train
39:05so it won't hit Paiute grade before daylight.
39:08Where's Joan?
39:09I don't know. Why?
39:10She was supposed to meet me here.
39:12Hello, operator.
39:13Give me Jason Howley's office, please.
39:15Cookie, round up the pioneers
39:17and be at the grade before daylight.
39:19I'm riding with the cattle.
39:23No answer.
39:24She's probably going back to the trailer camp.
39:26You check it for me, will you, Cookie?
39:27Right away.
39:28I've got to get on that train.
39:29I'll see you the first thing in the morning
39:30and keep your fingers crossed.
39:32Good luck.
39:35Hello, Nellie.
39:37See if you can find me the pioneers
39:39up at the Double R Ranch.
39:48Well, you're still here.
39:51It's getting dark out.
39:54Put the light on.
39:59I'm just checking.
40:05Well, I loosened the rope.
40:07She can get away any time she wants.
40:14Come in.
40:26What's the idea of coming here, Rogers?
40:28What's the idea of coming here?
40:30What's the idea of coming here?
40:32What's the idea of coming here, Rogers?
40:34We don't like state coppers.
40:36Put your hands up.
40:37Get his guns, Mort.
40:39Hey, you're not so brave without those guns, are you?
40:44Be careful!
40:45You were right about barrels!
40:48Stay where you are, Rogers.
40:49Stay where you are!
40:50You asked for it!
40:58Well, that finishes Rogers.
41:00Mort, get the boys
41:01and meet the train at Devil's Pass.
41:03But you said Paiute Green.
41:05I've changed my mind.
41:06We'll fool them.
41:07We'll meet them at Devil's Pass instead.
41:32Hey, I'll give you a hand, boss.
41:34He can get up now.
41:37No, he can't.
41:42I thought you said this was a gag.
41:44It was, Ron Howley.
41:46Take him in there.
42:01What you said about Devil's Pass was only a joke.
42:04Miss Andrews will be our little carrier pigeon.
42:07We'll take the cattle at Paiute Green as usual.
42:15Nobody knows this combination with Howley
42:17and he ain't gonna tell.
42:32Take a look.
42:34Hey, Cookie.
42:35The place is empty.
42:40Roy's blood.
42:42It's too bad we didn't get here to help him.
42:44Well, he may not be dead.
42:46I wonder where they took him.
42:47They probably took him along.
42:49There's no use trying to carry out Roy's plans
42:51at Paiute Green.
42:53Are you sure you heard right?
42:56They said Devil's Pass.
42:57You get a hold of Tony and stay all night
42:59at headquarters in case we get some word about Rogers.
43:03Tony can stay at headquarters.
43:04I'm riding Trigger and going along with you.
43:06You know how I feel about Farrell
43:08and I want to be there when he gets what's coming to him.
43:11Good girl.
43:12Come on, fellows.
43:13Our train don't come through until morning
43:15but let's get a head start.
43:29Here she comes.
44:00I sure wish Roy was alive and on that train.
44:17Did you see anything?
44:25Sure funny, though.
44:26There she is in the back.
44:28There she is and nothing's happened.
44:36Come on.
44:39Well, that beats me.
44:42Now think.
44:43Are you sure they said Devil's Pass?
44:45I'm positive.
44:47What do you suppose happened?
44:49When the train didn't come through last night
44:51they probably lost their nerve.
44:54What are we going to do?
44:55We're going back to headquarters.
44:58If they haven't picked up Howley and Farrell
45:00I'm going to start the biggest manhunt
45:02this state has ever known.
45:12There goes Devil's Pass.
45:14I use grade next.
45:29It's a tough break.
45:30I don't like to operate this way in daylight.
45:33Maybe this time we'll have to stop it.
45:35Won't make any difference.
45:36This is our last job.
45:38Makes me laugh when I think of the loss
45:39sitting down at Devil's Pass waiting for us.
45:58Come on.
46:29So that's the way they do it.
46:38Hey, here come the trucks.
46:59I'll be going to the storehouse with you.
47:01Cookie and the boys don't show up.
47:28This is going to be easy.
47:30Well, if we work fast.
47:58Come on, let's go.
48:29Oh, no.
48:30Oh, no.
48:31Oh, no.
48:32Oh, no.
48:33Oh, no.
48:34Oh, no.
48:35Oh, no.
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56:55Oh, no.
56:56Oh, no.
