Approved | 58min | Action, Adventure, Drama, Music, Western | 20 June 1941 (USA)
The conflict between a railroader and a stage line owner is being aggravated by bad guys who are sabotaging both sides. Roy and Gabby mediate the conflict and expose the bad guys.
Director: Joseph Kane
Writer: James R. Webb
Stars: Roy Rogers, George 'Gabby' Hayes, Sally Payne
The conflict between a railroader and a stage line owner is being aggravated by bad guys who are sabotaging both sides. Roy and Gabby mediate the conflict and expose the bad guys.
Director: Joseph Kane
Writer: James R. Webb
Stars: Roy Rogers, George 'Gabby' Hayes, Sally Payne
Short filmTranscript
01:53Now ain't that a pretty picture. Too bad we got to spoil it.
02:48Huh, a dress to me as usual.
02:51Henry Liddell, Esquire.
02:55Ain't bad enough he's got to ruin me.
02:58He's got to be elegant about it.
03:01Hmm, what's happening to Morrison and Liddell?
03:07Can it be that they're not doing so well?
03:11Unless things go from bad to worse,
03:16they better catch me who wrote this verse.
03:19Black Bart might just well be signed with the California Central Railroad.
03:23They hire him.
03:25Hmm, P.S.
03:27To be sung to the tune or listened to the mockingbird.
03:31And that ain't all. Just listen to this here.
03:35Here's one from Mark Benton, the president of the railroad.
03:38Too bad he can't write poetry too.
03:41Dear Mr. Liddell,
03:43I'm coming soon to Nevada City
03:47and hope we can get together to confer in peace and friendship.
03:52The only way I'll confer with that barman is over a gun.
03:55Well, maybe Mark Benton means it, Hank.
03:57We haven't any proof the railroad's been backing Black Bart.
04:00Well, we got common sense, ain't we?
04:02At least I have. All Black Bart wants is money.
04:05Why would he be burning the property unless someone was paying him?
04:07And who's paying him but Mark Benton?
04:09You stick to driving your coach, Jeff Connor,
04:11and leave the figuring to me, will you?
04:33Hello, Bart.
04:35Hello, Norton.
04:37Now don't tell me you got those clothes in Nevada City.
04:40What's wrong with them?
04:42Salesman said they were the latest style.
04:44They're fine, fine.
04:46You didn't get me down here to talk about my clothes, did you?
04:48No, indeed. I've got much more on my mind than that.
04:51You've been doing a good job breaking Morrison and Liddell.
04:54You bet your sweet life I have.
04:56But that stage line company is only a link in the chain.
04:59Those mines up there in the Sierras are booming.
05:01And this company intends to handle that traffic
05:03all the way from the mountains to the sea.
05:05We're after Mark Benton's California Central Railroad, too.
05:08But Benton's a tough customer.
05:10And he gets tougher with every mile of track he lays.
05:12He isn't so tough.
05:14He's been having financial difficulties.
05:16And once he gets in construction difficulties as well...
05:18And I suppose that's where I come in.
05:20You and Ank Liddell's stage line company.
05:22You're going to join forces to break the railroad.
05:25Liddell and me?
05:27He'd as soon join forces with a rattlesnake.
05:29If he knows who you are.
05:31But he won't.
05:33Well, with me handling it, it might work.
05:35And if I know Mark Benton, he'll fight back.
05:37Of course he will.
05:39There's no law up there worth the name.
05:41And once they're started,
05:43nothing can keep those two from clawing each other to pieces.
05:45Then he'll pick up the pieces, huh?
05:47Both pieces.
05:49Here's to Mark Benton and Ank Liddell.
05:51Long may they fight.
05:53Said here, California Central laid four and a half miles of track last week.
05:59With horses, you don't need any track.
06:01If that old railroad was good at all,
06:03it wouldn't have to be burning our stages.
06:05You tell him, chick.
06:07Now you're talking just like your daddy used to.
06:09If my daddy was alive, the railroad wouldn't be getting away with it.
06:11But I ain't worrying.
06:13You'll do something.
06:15Daddy used to say he was one of the handiest fellas he ever saw.
06:17Well, the trouble is, I'm not too sure the railroad's the one that's been plaguing us.
06:19We haven't caught a one of their men holding us up.
06:21Said here, Mark Benton is going to Nevada City on an inspection trip.
06:27Others do the work, and he does inspecting.
06:29I bet he wears a clean shirt every day.
06:33And him a grown man.
06:35When I get big enough so my sis can't run me,
06:37I ain't gonna wear a shirt at all.
06:39Don't forget, chick, you're the Morrison of Morrison and Liddell.
06:41When you grow up, you're gonna have to dress the part.
06:43Why, you might even have to wear two clean shirts every day.
06:47I'm gonna make you general manager,
06:49so if I have to dress up, you will too.
06:51Listen at that.
06:53Sounds like a little horse with the heeves.
06:59Maybe we can get him to the crossing.
07:01Come on, Jeff.
07:03Show him you're the best driver in California.
07:11Come on, Jeff.
07:13The horse is waiting for you.
07:15Come on, Jeff.
07:17Come on, Jeff.
07:19Come on, Jeff.
07:21The horse is gonna race too.
07:25Keep that blame tea kettle quiet.
07:27If you wanna race, you'll get it.
07:29Come on.
07:31Come on.
07:35Show him what the California Central can do.
07:37Bring on the timber.
07:45Give it to him, Jeff.
07:47Get him to the crossing.
07:49You're a whore.
07:55We're getting a little tipsy.
07:57Hang on, we'll run that cook stove to death.
07:59Come on.
08:03Those fools are trying to beat us to the crossing.
08:05We gotta beat them to it or they'll all be killed.
08:07More wood, Pete.
08:09Quit worrying about that steam pressure.
08:17We can't stop now.
08:33My spare shotgun.
08:35I'll make them pay for it, the robber.
08:37I think Babe threw a shoe.
08:39Hey, you. What were you fellas trying to do?
08:41Kill yourselves?
08:43Not half as bad as you were trying to kill us.
08:45Which way that darn thing is shoot,
08:47I'll let you have it, you grease monkey.
08:49You tell that Mark Benton he'll have to get
08:51a better smoke wagon than that to beat us.
08:53I'm Mark Benton.
08:55You ain't neither. Mark Benton wears
08:57a clean shirt every day.
08:59If you're Mark Benton, it's time he was finding out what we do to stage robbers.
09:01You better get back on that tea kettle of yours.
09:03Our temper's running short.
09:05Wait a second. You're gonna have yourself a lame horse.
09:07I reckon I don't need anybody to tell me that.
09:09Suit yourself. But I've got a blacksmith car yonder.
09:11And to prove to you that I'm a good loser,
09:13I'll fit this horse a new shoe.
09:15Fit a shoe?
09:17What does a railroad man know about fitting a shoe?
09:19That depends on the railroad man.
09:21What do you need a forge on a railroad for, anyway?
09:23We've got a lot of tools to keep in shape.
09:25Besides, I started out as a blacksmith.
09:27And I don't like to see horses go lame.
09:29You seem to be mighty worried about this horse.
09:31What you driving at?
09:33Well, if it's a shoe, I'll tell you. Come on over to the car.
09:35Don't you do it, champ. He's up to something.
09:37I think I can risk it. Lead the way, mister.
09:39Yeah, and I'll be covering you too.
09:41Keep my eyes on that engine, cool case.
09:43You'd better start anything.
09:47Now, Garnet, Jeff ain't got no more caution
09:49than a blue-eyed mule.
09:59This forge is always ready.
10:01That's why we're laying almost
10:03a mile of track a day.
10:05Of course, it'll be slower once we start through the mountains.
10:07You're not figuring on going through the mountains, are you?
10:09Why not?
10:11Well, I just proved to you that this train can't even outrun a good team on the level.
10:13You're pretty proud of that, aren't you?
10:15Then let me ask you a question.
10:17Your horses just ran a race.
10:19Are they ready right now to run another one?
10:21Of course not, not until they catch their breath.
10:23That locomotive up yonder don't even know
10:25that it's been in a race.
10:27It could race all day and all night
10:29and not even need a breather.
10:31Your horses can't compete, young fellow.
10:33Is that what you wanted to tell me?
10:35That's part of it.
10:37I thought maybe if I could get you to see things my way,
10:39you might be able to persuade him to listen.
10:41Not with all this burning and robbing.
10:43He figures you're out to break us
10:45by backing Black Bart.
10:47Why should I want to break you?
10:49The railroad has to stick to its tracks.
10:51Your job is to bring the freight to and from the railroad.
10:53The more we cooperate, the faster our business
10:55and the country will grow.
10:57Then you're claiming the railroad hasn't been robbing us.
10:59I give you my word on it.
11:01I don't know any more about Black Bart than you do.
11:03All right.
11:05I'll tell Liddell that.
11:07And she.
11:09Now I'll see if I've lost my touch.
11:31Hey, ain't bad enough you got no passengers.
11:33But you gotta be late with no passengers.
11:35It's all right, Uncle Hank.
11:37We just had a race with a train, and we won.
11:39You won?
11:41Yeah, and Mark Benton was on a train when we did it.
11:43And Mark Benton was there.
11:45Well, it's time that doodler, and he can't compete with us,
11:47steal the bread out of our mouths, will he?
11:49Here comes number six from Haytown.
11:51And on time.
11:53We'll burn my britches
11:55if that fool gal ain't driving again.
11:59Hi, sis.
12:09Oh, Uncle Hank.
12:11Hello, Jeff.
12:13We left nine minutes late and made the round trip in three hours.
12:15How's that for a girl?
12:17It ain't bad.
12:19A thousand times I've told you to keep away from them rams.
12:21You're supposed to be running the Eldorado house,
12:23not go gallivanting around endangering the lives of paying passengers.
12:25It's the lucky thing I was there to do it.
12:27That driver you're so proud of is in jail
12:29Well, if I catch you on that box again,
12:31I'm going to take a willow switch to you.
12:33Get those coaches down at the bound,
12:35get press teams on them.
12:37We got schedules to make around here.
12:39Did you miss me, Jeff?
12:41About as much as I could in 12 hours.
12:43I'll bet you did.
12:45Well, I wasn't missing you none either.
12:49Ain't he elegant?
12:51He wanted to ride up on the box with me,
12:53but couldn't get the shotgun guard to ride behind.
12:55Maybe you're lucky at that.
12:57Gabby says the shotgun guard's better than the passenger any day.
12:59What's so long, Joe?
13:01I got to see Hank about something.
13:03Jeff ain't got no time for gals,
13:05not a driver like him.
13:09I knew if I went away you'd forget to wash him.
13:11You run and do it right this minute,
13:13and with soap.
13:15There you go, taking that out on me again.
13:17When I get big, Jeff and me are going to move this stage line
13:19to the North Pole where there ain't no women at all.
13:21That sounds just like those two.
13:23And I suppose if Jeff marries anyone,
13:25it'll be an Eskimo.
13:27You ain't hankering to marry Jeff,
13:29are you, Joe?
13:31Why not?
13:33People have told me I'd look mighty nice in a wedding dress,
13:35and they weren't blind either.
13:37Well, I've only had four wives,
13:39and two of them were squaws,
13:41so I don't suppose I'm no expert,
13:43but maybe that's your trouble.
13:45You don't dress up enough.
13:47I got a simply elegant new dress.
13:49You think it'd work?
13:53Sure likes a fancy saddle on a horse.
13:55By glory,
13:57I'll do it right now.
13:59I'll show him.
14:01Listen to this.
14:03Number seven.
14:05There's Claude in Nevada City.
14:07Ninety passengers for the month.
14:09Off more than half.
14:11Number 13.
14:13Dutch Flats, Dakotaville.
14:15Express off nearly 50%.
14:17And all the work of Mark Benton's outlaws.
14:19Here's one from
14:21someone in Union Town.
14:23I'm holding you responsible
14:25for the theft of my gold teeth.
14:27Value, $150.
14:29I can't eat, and I've lost 10 pounds.
14:31I figure anybody's worth
14:33$15 a pound,
14:35so I'm billing you for $150 additional.
14:37Total, $300.
14:39Please remit.
14:41After the race I met Mark Benton, Hank,
14:43I figure maybe we're wrong about him.
14:45Wrong about him? Course you've been wrong about him.
14:47We ought to have shot him months ago.
14:49We ought to have shot that railroader an inch.
14:51Or anyone who speaks up for him.
14:53And that means you. What's it to you anyway?
14:55Plenty. Chick's dad was like a father to me.
14:57And I owe it to him to look after Chick,
14:59and the same goes for Joe.
15:01They own half of this company.
15:03And if you go fighting a railroad without any proof,
15:05you'll end up ruined.
15:07And the state's lying too.
15:09Well, I don't aim to stand by and see that happen.
15:11Oh, so you're looking after Joe and Chick, are you?
15:13What do you think I'm doing?
15:15We're going to fight Mark Benton tooth and nail.
15:17You're fired as of, uh...
15:23Dang it, why don't they make a watch that'll run?
15:39Land of Oceanus, Joe,
15:41you sure look fancy.
15:43Now gone, that's perfume, ain't it?
15:47Reminds me of my girl back in Ohio.
15:49She was wearing perfume
15:51the day she married that drummer from Chicago.
15:57Oh, Jeff!
16:01Hello, Joe.
16:03Don't you notice anything?
16:05You are looking kind of pale.
16:07I hope you're feeling all right.
16:09Jeff, you're the blindest man in Nevada City.
16:11Can't you see this is the prettiest dress this side of Paris?
16:13It's mighty pretty, all right.
16:15What you wearing it for?
16:21You can be sure I'm not wearing it for you, Jeff Connors.
16:23That gentleman yonder invited me to the matinee
16:25at the new opera house this afternoon.
16:27And I'm mighty pleased to be going.
16:29Well, that's fine, Joe.
16:31I reckon I won't be seeing you for a while.
16:33I'm going on a vacation.
16:35Vacation? But you're supposed to take number four out this afternoon.
16:37Not this afternoon or any other afternoon.
16:39Hank just fired me.
16:41Fired you?
16:45Where you going, Miss Joe?
16:47To take this dress off.
16:49I thought you was wearing it to the matinee this afternoon.
16:51No, not this afternoon or any other afternoon.
16:55Say, if you'd like to wear that,
16:57I'll go to the show with you.
16:59Oh, I didn't mean you to hear me.
17:01Glad I did.
17:03How about it?
17:05All right, I guess.
17:07Oh, I mean, thank you very much.
17:09Thank you very much.
17:15It's all right, lady. I never meant...
17:23Well, you coming in or ain't you?
17:29My name's Jim Trevor, Mr. Liddell.
17:31I couldn't help hearing you fighting with your driver.
17:33And what you were saying about the railroad.
17:35Yeah, well, what's it to you?
17:37It's plenty.
17:39You're not the only one that's been pushed around by the California Central.
17:41That railroad ruined me.
17:43Feeding me out lock, stock, and barrel.
17:47It did? Sit down.
17:51Have a cigar.
17:55I had a nice freighting business down Sacramento Way.
17:59The minute Mark Benton had his track laid,
18:01he burned my wagon, shot my horses, scared off my customers.
18:03He did?
18:05What'd you do?
18:07Nothing. I'm a gentleman. I thought I was dealing with a gentleman.
18:09Until it was too late.
18:11But now I aim to start fighting.
18:13With your help, I can wreck the California Central the same way they wrecked me.
18:15What do you say?
18:19Do you like cigars?
18:21Take a handful of them.
18:23Fill your pockets up with them.
18:25It's bad enough losing Jeff,
18:27but I don't see why you have to go too, Gabby.
18:29It's your free country, ain't it?
18:31Jeff's entitled to his opinion, ain't he?
18:33You're ranting about the railroad something awful, Gabby.
18:35Who, me?
18:37You do imagine a blameless thing, Chick.
18:39We'll be seeing you, Chick.
18:41Gabby and I is going to try to get a job around close somewhere.
18:45Sis is going to be mighty disappointed at you leaving, Jeff.
18:47She's kind of sweet on you, you know.
18:49I was just thinking.
18:51You know how I feel about gals.
18:53But if Mary and Sis would keep me around here,
18:59I'd agree to it.
19:01Well, thanks, Chick,
19:03but you're all wrong about Joe.
19:05All she thinks about is driving stagecoaches
19:07and jumping horses over fences.
19:09Oh, what do you know about Joe?
19:11Can't even tell a new dress from a fancy saddle.
19:13Now she's going to the Opry
19:15with that dude from the city.
19:17Stand still, will you?
19:19I ain't talking to you.
19:21We'll be seeing you, Chick.
19:23Don't worry.
19:25The loss of one payroll
19:27is not going to break California Central.
19:29You'll have to wait a while
19:31for your money, that's all.
19:33Yeah, I like what you said.
19:35How do we know you ain't busted already?
19:37How do we know you didn't frame this robbery
19:39just to beat us out of our money?
19:41We want our money now.
19:43Yeah, anyone can frame a robbery.
19:45Anybody that could think a thing like that
19:47don't belong here.
19:49You'll get your money,
19:51and I'll pay you off out of my own pocket.
19:53Come on.
19:55Take it.
19:57Get out.
19:59I can't have loyal men. I don't want any.
20:01Anyone else want to quit?
20:03Kind of, boy. No one understands Valley well.
20:05But we all stay by Mark Benton.
20:07You bet we all stay by him.
20:09Let's go back to work.
20:11Thanks, boys.
20:13I wonder if we'd better eat a meal
20:15around here, free.
20:17Hello, boys.
20:19What are you doing here?
20:21Looking for a meal.
20:23What's the matter? I thought you were working for Liddell.
20:25Not since we asked him to come and talk to you.
20:27Liddell must have a hotter temper than I've heard.
20:29I won't forget that you lost your job on my account.
20:33This ought to prove to you
20:35you weren't speaking up for a liar.
20:41Mark Benton's iron horse is a die.
20:43Someone stabbed it right through the heart.
20:45Mark Benton sits all day
20:47and cries his heart away
20:49and the man who's to blame is Blackboard.
20:51Mark Benton's iron horse is a die.
20:53Someone stabbed it right through the heart.
20:55But who else wants to see
20:57the iron monster rust?
20:59Who but the man Mark Benton tried to bust.
21:03Dear Mark Benton,
21:05if you like this verse,
21:07you can sing it to the tune of
21:09Stars Over the Prairie.
21:11Any time that I sing it,
21:13it'll be at his funeral.
21:15Keep quiet about this.
21:17I ain't shown this to anybody yet.
21:19There's something in it that I don't quite understand.
21:21You mean the part about who else
21:23wants to see the iron monster rust?
21:25Who could it mean but Hank Liddell?
21:27He's the only man around here that blames me
21:29for his troubles.
21:31But Hank wouldn't tie himself in with Blackboard.
21:33It doesn't seem possible.
21:35After all that Blackboard has done to the stage lines.
21:37Come here.
21:39I want to show you something.
21:45I'm short an engineer and a fireman.
21:47How about it?
21:49That? You don't want us to run that
21:51swayback coffee pot on wheels, do you?
21:53Anybody that can beat a train with a team
21:55can certainly learn to reverse the process.
21:57You ain't going down there.
21:59I'd like to see what makes it go.
22:01Horsepower. This engine is rated at 900 horsepower.
22:03900 horsepower?
22:05Listen, mister, you ain't talking to no children
22:07while we get beat the pants off
22:09of it with six horses.
22:11It may look complicated, but it's a lot simpler
22:13than whittling the reins on a six-up.
22:17And if there's 900 Shetland ponies in that darn thing,
22:19I'm a railroad man myself.
22:27900 ghosts is more like it.
22:43Look at him.
22:45Business is sure good since Blackboard
22:47quit pestering us and started in on the railroads.
22:49By the way,
22:51I got some bad news for you.
22:53Guess where I just seen your pal Jeff Connor?
22:55Where? He ain't hurt, is he?
22:57Worse than that.
22:59He's running one of them engines.
23:01A regular grease monkey.
23:03Would you believe a fellow like that
23:05could sink that low?
23:07I don't believe it.
23:09Still, it's the truth.
23:11I seen him with my own eyes,
23:13and Gabby was with him.
23:15I still don't believe it. I'll prove it ain't so.
23:17I'll settle up my pony and ride to the railhead.
23:19Better not, son.
23:21I'm still telling you the truth.
23:31Get up.
23:41Get up.
23:45Hiya, Chick.
23:47Get up.
23:49Hey, Chick, ain't you even gonna say hello?
23:51No, I ain't gonna say hello.
23:53I ain't gonna say nothing.
23:55Uncle Hank was right. I'm glad he fired you.
23:57We've been pals for a long time, Chick.
23:59You can't act this way.
24:01Gabby and I wanted to stay close to you and Joe,
24:03and this was the only job we could find.
24:05You still didn't have to take a job like this.
24:07Well, now that Blackboard's robbing the railroad,
24:09does that prove to you that Benton wasn't backing him against us?
24:15I reckon so.
24:17I guess I didn't think about that.
24:19Well, that's all right.
24:21You know, I'm still figuring on being general manager of Morris and Liddell.
24:23You gonna back me?
24:27Say, Chick, where'd you get all this money?
24:29Oh, you know, that fellow's always hanging around, sis.
24:31He gave it to me.
24:33You mean that dude that she said she was going to the opera house with?
24:35It's worse than that.
24:37Look at how blue her eyes are and how golden her hair is.
24:39It's just something awful.
24:41Making up poetry?
24:43Sis seems to like it, too.
24:45If you've changed your mind about going to the North Pole,
24:47you better come see her quick.
24:49I reckon you're right, Chick.
24:51I think I'll do that.
25:07Whenever stars drift over the prairie, thoughts of you drift into my heart.
25:27Throughout the dark of night, I seem to hold you tight.
25:35And you promise that we'll never part.
25:43Whenever stars drift over the prairie, in each dream I see only you.
25:57I hope and I pray that there will come a day when you'll appear and never drift away.
26:13Mark Benton's iron horse is a-dyin'.
26:17Someone stabbed it right through the heart.
26:23Mark Benton sits all day and cries his heart away.
26:29And the man who's to blame is Black Bart.
26:33Mark Benton's iron horse is a-dyin'.
26:39Someone stabbed it right through the heart.
26:45But who else wants to see the iron monster rust?
26:51Who but the man Mark Benton tried to bust?
27:01Would you like to dance?
27:03Play a waltz.
27:06So you got a rise out of him, eh?
27:08When he heard that jingle, he looked like he'd seen a ghost.
27:10Then he's Black Bart just as sure as we're standing here.
27:14Now all I got to do is find out what he's doing here.
27:22Sorry, mister, but cutting in's a custom around here.
27:30I'd never expected to find myself dancing with a railroad man.
27:33I never expected I'd ever have to take you away from a fellow like that.
27:36And what's wrong with him?
27:38Just because he dresses better than some people I know and doesn't treat a girl as if she was a child.
27:43That's not what I'm talking about.
27:45What's he doing here besides talking poetry to you?
27:48Well, at least he doesn't work for the railroad.
27:50Whatever he does, he's working for us, not against us.
27:53He and Hank are in some sort of business together.
27:55That's just what I was afraid of.
28:03No hard feelings, mister.
28:10Trevor's in with Hank all right. Joe just told me.
28:13Then he's only one thing to do. Get rid of that critter before he drags Hank into real trouble.
28:17You can't go in there and shoot a man just because you think he's blackboard.
28:20I'm all for shooting him now and finding out later.
28:22We'll trail him till we know who he is.
28:44Gee, I thought you'd never get back.
28:46I've been watching Trevor, like you said.
28:48We had to tell Mark Benton to get himself a new crew.
28:50Is Trevor still here?
28:52He rode out that way about ten minutes ago.
28:54He's sure a funny fella.
28:56His mom's dying, and he's pleased as punch about it.
28:59He's a dad-burned reptile, that's what he is.
29:02Hey, how'd you know about his mother?
29:04Old Man Willis from the telegraph office had a message for him and gave it to me to deliver.
29:09Didn't I tell you never to read other people's mail?
29:11What'd it say?
29:13It said, Mother expected to die tonight.
29:16And then that Trevor reached it and grinned and rode away.
29:19Say, Chick, you're going to be a detective yet.
29:22Come on, Gabby.
29:24If you need me, I'll be down at the stable with my pony sack.
29:27My pony sack!
29:44What's the matter, Gabby?
29:45Ah, this flamed animal's picked up a rock.
29:48Sometimes I think he goes around looking for rocks every time he gets tired.
29:52Well, we'd never caught up with Trevor anyway.
29:55But he must be heading for the railroad.
29:57If he has a gang of his men hiding in these hills,
29:59it might be Benton's payroll instead of somebody's mother that's due to pass away tonight.
30:03Why ain't Sam Hill done say what he means in the telegram?
30:06We'll see.
30:26Here's their tracks.
30:28They're heading up the creek towards the spring.
30:30Well, that's where the train stops to take on wood.
30:32They're going to hold her up there, sure as shootin'.
30:34Unless we do some shootin' first.
30:56It's time to go.
30:57Anderson, you keep the horses out of sight here, but be ready to bring them in a hurry.
31:01Kramer, you and Bullard take care of the engine crew.
31:03The rest of you come with me.
31:25I can't see a darn thing.
31:39Maybe they didn't come this way after all.
31:41Let's go down and take a look.
31:43You mean a foot?
31:44You know human beings want me to walk.
31:46They're sure to hear us if we don't.
31:48Well, they can't hear us anyway if they ain't there.
31:50This don't look like no mother's bedside to me.
31:54Jumpin' hee-haws about them Hank Liddell's horses.
31:57Yes, and every last one of them's wearing his brand.
31:59Trevor's black-barred all right, and we've got to get him.
32:02And before he gets a payroll. Come on.
32:04Don't you worry. He won't get no payroll.
32:06Not so long as I've got Roarin' Royce in my hand.
32:13It's black-barred.
32:16You men keep quiet.
32:21They're here, Daley.
32:22Yeah, sure thing.
32:24Let's go.
32:38You men keep quiet.
32:42They're here, Daly.
32:44Yeah, my hunch was right, Mr. Benton.
32:46I knew if they was going to stick up the payroll, they'd do it here.
32:48Be ready as soon as the train comes in.
32:50What in tarnation is going on here?
32:52Must be a trap to catch Blackboard.
32:54Didn't I tell you ain't nobody going to catch him but me and Rory and Liza here?
32:58I know, but Hank Liddell's mixed up in this.
33:00We've got to make sure.
33:53Come on, let's go.
33:57They're boys from the outside.
34:12Get your horses.
34:14Come on, we can get out this way.
34:16The horses are our only chance to catch him.
34:22Hold it!
34:24There's two of them.
34:26You, get the guns.
34:28Daly, take half the men.
34:30Get the horses and start after the others.
34:47You're obviously working for Blackboard, Liddell, or both.
34:50A few days starved in jail may persuade them to talk.
34:52Then they lock them up.
34:54You know what to do with the keys.
34:55Come on, come on.
35:00You'll never starve anything out of those two.
35:02If you don't, we'll never catch up with the rest of them.
35:04I've got another idea.
35:08Can't see nothing but Nevada City, and I've seen that before.
35:23Now, as soon as you sober up,
35:25we'll give you six months for damaging railroad property.
35:38You fellas live here?
35:41Nice, ain't it?
35:44How much rent do you pay?
35:46Hey, you know any tricks?
35:48Sure, that's how we got in here.
35:51Well, I got one I bet you can do.
35:54Here, wait a minute.
35:55Now, you take a hold of the end of that rope.
35:59And then don't go away, don't go away.
36:01I'll do it this time, here.
36:06Give me that.
36:07I'll show you a trick that is a trick.
36:10Come on.
36:11Come on.
36:37Hey, Bart, how about a few drinks down at the El Dorado house before we go on?
36:40It's too risky.
36:41Somebody might recognize you.
36:42We're lucky to have fresh horses to saddle after that run Benton's men gave us.
36:45Hurry up and get those saddles changed.
37:19Can you tell me where I can find Jim Trevor?
37:21He's usually hanging around here.
37:23Mighty pretty gal runs this place.
37:24That sounds like him, all right.
37:26He ain't in there, but I know where you can find him.
37:29Oh, you do? Well, where is he?
37:30Down the street at the stables.
37:32Have my bags put inside, will you?
37:40Let's go.
37:56Ah, that blame tea is hoodooed.
37:59I guess they soon tried to rope a mosquito on a dark night.
38:11Hello, Bart.
38:13What are you doing up here?
38:14It's time for the showdown.
38:16Benton's got to be knocked out now before it's too late.
38:18I just found out the government will give him a subsidy if he can cut a grade through the mountains.
38:22Why, that'll take him a year.
38:23Not to get his subsidy.
38:24All he has to do is lay track as far as Nugget Creek by next week.
38:27But he's never going to do it.
38:29I found a way to stop him.
38:30Come on, we can talk better over a drink.
38:33How have you been doing with Liddell?
38:35He's in too deep to get out and doesn't know it.
38:37That's fine.
38:38His stage line will make a good feeder for the railroad.
38:44Evening, Liddell.
38:45Meet Mr. Norton.
38:46He's up here to look over some mining property.
38:48Uncle Hank!
38:49Go to bed.
38:50You ought to have been there long ago.
38:51What are you up to, chick?
38:52Painting the town red with that double eagle I gave you?
38:54I've got to talk to you, Uncle Hank.
38:55It's important.
38:56That sick pony again?
38:57No, it ain't the pony.
38:58I've got to talk to you.
39:06Jim Trapper and Black Bart are the same man.
39:08The same man?
39:09Why, why, why?
39:10It can't be.
39:11He is, Uncle Hank.
39:12And he's working for that Mr. Norton there.
39:13They're after our stage line.
39:15They're aiming to break Mark Benton, too.
39:16They're fixing up the scheme right now.
39:18Well, why didn't you tell me this in the first place?
39:20What do you want to keep wasting my time for?
39:22Did you hear that?
39:23Yeah, I heard all about it.
39:24I've heard enough to know that I've been the blameless fool in history.
39:27Well, then hurry and tell him he can't do it.
39:28Tell who?
39:29Who can't do what?
39:30Mark Benton.
39:31He's got Jeff in jail.
39:33In jail?
39:34They're going to hang him for helping Black Bart.
39:35I just heard some men talking about it in the street.
39:37Gee, horses, Pat, why do you suppose Jeff is helping Black Bart?
39:39I don't know, but he must have been doing it for us.
39:41We've got to make Mark Benton let him go.
39:47Where'd that fellow Trevor go?
39:48He's up in his room with that dude.
39:50He's in number 12, ain't he?
39:55Let me try.
39:56Well, if I was a betting man, I'd bet you $10 you wouldn't do it.
39:59That is, if I had $10.
40:12You can't hang him.
40:13He's no more bandit than I am.
40:16Hang him?
40:17Who's he?
40:18Jeff Conner.
40:19You've got to let him go.
40:20I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you'll have to find yourself a new sweetheart, Miss Whoever-You-Are.
40:23I know who she is, Chief.
40:24She's Morrison's daughter.
40:25He left her half-interested in the stage line.
40:27The stage line again.
40:29I didn't realize I had a girl fighting me.
40:31We're not fighting you.
40:32I certainly wouldn't be here to tell you if we were.
40:35I know who Black Bart is.
40:55$10,000 reward for Black Bart.
41:18Boy, imagine being worth that much money.
41:20That's a lot of money for any fool.
41:22Well, I'm going to be worth that much too.
41:23Come on, leave me to him.
41:24I'm sorry, but you're going to have to wait a while.
41:26Hey, what are you doing?
41:27Hey, he's a nice fellow.
41:28If it wasn't for his string, we'd be in there yet.
41:30Put these in the drawer.
41:31He's probably got some more strings.
41:33Or is that all Mark Benton gave you?
41:35I've never seen you do a mean trick like that before.
41:37No one ever made it that easy for me to break the deal before.
41:41With me stringing there all the time?
41:42Can't you see he isn't as drunk as he seems?
41:44He almost broke his neck trying to get you interested in that string.
41:47You mean Benton wanted us to escape?
41:49Sure, and he wanted him to escape with us.
41:51Thought we'd lead him to Black Bart.
41:53Hey, come on, let me out of here.
41:54Ah, shut up.
41:55So you thought you had us fooled, did you?
41:58You didn't fool me none.
42:00Come on, let me out of here.
42:03And Trevor's working for a man from the city who's out to break you and Uncle Hank too.
42:07Who is this man?
42:08I think Uncle Hank said his name was Norton.
42:11That must be Amos Norton, president of Sacramento Navigation.
42:15He tried to buy into California Central in the beginning.
42:18Then you let Jeff Conner out?
42:19Nothing you've said explains why he kept us from capturing Black Bart.
42:22He stays in jail.
42:23Hey, what's this you've been telling me about Jeff in jail?
42:26You better tell him that.
42:28I just saw him heading out of town with Gabby Chapman.
42:30There was another man with him, wasn't there?
42:32What are you talking about?
42:33Jeff and Gabby were by themselves.
42:37Say, wait a minute.
42:38I got something important to tell you.
42:44There goes Bart now.
42:49What are you doing in there?
42:50You were supposed to go with him.
42:51I had Chapman fooled all right, but as soon as Conner got his gun, he forced me back in here.
42:55He must be Black Bart's brain.
42:56Billy, I'm offering $5,000 in reward for Conner, dead or alive.
42:59Get out the posters right now.
43:00Now we're getting somewhere.
43:01With that much money, every vigilante in the country will be looking for him.
43:04You can't do that.
43:05That's murder.
43:06Wait a minute, Benton.
43:07Maybe when you hear what I've got to say, you won't waste your time trying to catch Jeff.
43:12I've been helping Jim Trevor, but I didn't know he was Black Bart.
43:16Everything pointed to you, Liddell.
43:18The important thing is now that your railroad is about to be blown to kingdom come.
43:22And Orton is having Black Bart blow up the Three Pines Tunnel when the morning train comes through.
43:26How do you know?
43:27Ain't I got ways of finding out things in my own hotel?
43:29Where'd they get that much powder?
43:31Well, they could steal it from any mine around here.
43:33That train's got a carload of powder on it itself.
43:35If their blast sets that off, you won't get that tunnel repaired in a year.
43:38Then I've only got a week.
43:39Well, how about opening this door?
43:42Hey, let me out of here!
43:43Hey, you can't do this to me!
43:45Let me out of here!
44:11It's no use. They've cut the wires.
44:13We've only got one chance. Gather some men and get to the tunnel first.
44:15Liddell, this proves you've been telling the truth.
44:18We're in this together.
44:19Are you going to help me?
44:20Well, I'd be a darn fool to help a competitor.
44:23But that's just what I'm going to do.
44:26We can get to that tunnel a heap faster cutting across country on my horses
44:30than we can on one of them teakettles of yours.
44:32So let's go.
44:36Don't see why a man can't have some breakfast.
44:38Me, I hate riding on an empty stomach.
44:40Don't worry. After this job, you'll have so much money you'll be eating breakfast and candy.
44:47They're going to blow up the train at Three Pines Tunnel.
44:49We'll have to stop it before it gets there.
44:51We'll double back and cut across the foothills.
44:53If we go this way, they'll spot us short.
45:07Be sure to have those spare horses at the tunnel in time.
45:09We'll be wanting to make a getaway.
45:10Don't worry, boss.
45:11I guess you won't be leaving no poetry this time, huh?
45:40Come on. And keep your hands up high.
45:48Take care of them, Anderson. You come with me.
46:05You're riding here, Anderson.
46:06Have a keg open and a fuel set by the time we reach the tunnel.
46:37I don't see anything.
46:38Maybe they've already planted the powder under the tracks inside.
46:41Let's take a look.
46:42Hold it!
46:46They won't find any powder in there.
46:47It's coming in by fast break.
46:49All right, boys, get the hardware.
46:54I wouldn't try it, ma'am, if I were you.
46:56I couldn't miss you if I tried.
47:01I'm going to have a look.
47:02I couldn't miss you if I tried.
47:09Vins crew's a bull-headed bunch, but this ought to stop them.
47:20Somebody's blowing fire on the tracks.
47:21They must have found out something.
47:33You hurt bad, Gabby?
47:34Oh, not bad.
47:36Get going, son.
47:37You beat that train of four, and by cracky, you can do it again.
48:32Stop the train.
49:03Nice work, Anderson.
49:06We'll be there soon.
49:07Don't stop the train until you're sure the powder car is in the tunnel.
49:10I'm going back with Anderson to make sure that nothing goes wrong with the blast.
49:14Keep an eye on our friend here.
49:32All right.
49:53We're almost there.
50:03Light the fuse.
50:14We're in the tunnel.
50:15She's stopping.
50:16Come on.
50:23Hold it.
50:33Hold it.
50:47What did those shots mean?
50:48I don't know, but I'm going to find out.
50:50She's liable to blow any minute.
50:51It's a cinch it won't blow until Bart comes out.
50:53I hope he goes flying out through the top like a bird.
50:58Hey, Bart, what happened to the explosion?
51:00There's your explosion.
51:01Too bad it didn't make more noise.
51:04Go on.
51:09All right, boys, drop your guns.
51:11Let's get their guns.
51:32What's your hurry?
51:33Norton in his room.
51:34He just went up.
51:35This hotel is dropping a guest.
51:43Don't leave me alone.
51:45I ain't had so much fuss made over me since the mule kicked my teeth out.
51:49Can I sing a song to you, Gabby?
51:51Ah, go away, will you?
51:53I'm taking him down to the annex.
51:55The one that Jeff and Gabby just left.
51:57Good idea.
51:58Just to show there's no hard feeling between you and me,
52:01how about taking a ride up to the railhead?
52:03Walk on that, teakettle.
52:06Don't mind if I do.
52:23Would you like to see it?
52:26Wait a minute.
52:27Where are you going?
52:28To put on my new dress.
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