U.S. President Trump inflates numbers regarding military support to South Korea: WP

  • 5 years ago
WP "트럼프, 주한미군 비용•분담금 인상액•미군 수치 부풀려"

The U.S. media have again highlighted President Donald Trump's inflated numbers regarding military support to South Korea.
According to Washington Post's fact-checker analysis report on Monday,… the total cost Seoul pays to the U.S. for troops stationed in South Korea is somewhere around 1-point-2-5 billion U.S. dollars, far below the 5-billion that was announced by Trump in a Cabinet meeting on February 12th.
The report also corrected Trump's claims that South Korea's contribution had increased by 50 percent. The South Korean contribution actually increased by 8-point-2 percent.
And the false numbers go beyond the defense costs as the report also mentioned that Trump, in a CBS interview earlier this month, inflated the numbers of people serving in South Korea by some 12-thousand service members.