• 6 years ago
Wing Commander Abhinandan moustache become new fashion trend !The return on Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman from Pakistan was one of the most important moments the country waited for. As soon as the IAF pilot crossed over to the Indian border, there was joy and jubilation everywhere. The braveheart returned back with a smile on his face and one could not miss his well-kept moustache. The internet is in love with his look and it would not be a surprise if it becomes the next trend among men's fashion. People on Twitter along with lauding his bravery were all praises for his Tamil moustache, many even expressing to sport it.

अभिनंदन वर्धमान की मूंछों पर फिदा पूरा देश, बनेगा नया फैशन ट्रेंड| भारतीय वायुसेना के जांबाज विंग कमांडर अभिनंदन वर्धमान की मूंछ पर सोशल मीडिया यूजर्स फिदा हो गए हैं. फेसबुक और ट्विटर पर लोग खुलकर अभिनंदन की मूंछ की तारीफ कर रहे हैं और कह रहे हैं- मूंछें हो तो अभिनंदन जैसी वरना न हो

#Abhinandan #AbhinandanVardhman #AbhinandanMoustache


