• 6 years ago
The Brink Documentary Movie Plot Synopsis: The Brink follows Bannon through the 2018 mid-term elections in the United States, shedding light on his efforts to mobilize and unify far-right parties in order to win seats in the May 2019 European Parliamentary elections. To maintain his power and influence, the former Goldman Sachs banker and media investor reinvents himself — as he has many times before — this time as the self-appointed leader of a global populist movement. Keen manipulator of the press and gifted self-promoter, Bannon continues to draw headlines and protests wherever he goes, feeding the powerful myth on which his survival relies.

Director Alison Klayman
Genre Documentary
Run Time 1 hour 30 minutes
In Theatres March 29th, 2019 |© 2019 Magnolia Pictures
