Pete Buttigieg Officiates Wedding For Couple Just Before Woman Delivers Baby

  • 5 years ago
Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana started his work week by officiating the wedding of a couple on the brink of welcoming their baby into the world.

Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana started his work week by officiating the wedding of a couple on the brink of welcoming their baby into the world, reports CNN. Buttigieg, who is in the exploratory stage of launching a presidential campaign, said in a Monday Facebook post that the couple arrived at his office at about 8:15 a.m. and was hoping to get married before heading to the hospital for a scheduled 9:00 a.m. C-section.  "I corralled a few staff members as they were trickling into the office, to serve as witnesses, and filled out the paperwork," he wrote. "Their rings weren't ready, so one of my colleagues found a ribbon that would do the trick."  Buttigieg also noted that the couple "left my office with just enough time to get to the hospital. And a few moments ago, they sent Mark in my office this photo of Gabe with young Jade Katherine Jones, South Bend's newest resident."