• 6 years ago
Bags under your eyes are indicators of stress, fatigue and possibly health and nutritional deficiencies. As you eyes are one of your most stand out features, it's worth giving them care and attention. This goes for their appearance as well as their functionality. Take note of these simple, natural remedies to help eliminate the appearance of bags, but we'll start with some other bags : 1. Tea bags Put two moist tea bags in the fridge for 20 minutes, take them out and place them on your eyes for up to 30 minutes 2. Cucumbers Similarly, you can cover your eyes with two fresh slices of cucumber cut approximately 1 to 2 inches thick for you to 30 minutes 3. Cotton pads and milk Dip two cotton pads into chilled milk and put these on your eyes for up to 30 minutes 4. Water Simply increase the quantity you drink daily and stay well hydrated 5. Sleep Avoid sleeping face down and ensure you get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night
