• 6 years ago
Opening five years ago, Arcane, which serves modern European cuisine, is a favourite eatery for the business crowd in and around Central, Hong Kong.  

And as the name suggests, Arcane is hidden in a quiet corner of Central - on the far end of On Lan Street, away from the busy streets and noise of the city. 

But it may not be a foodie secret anymore since restaurateur and chef Shane Osborn appeared on the culinary show The Final Table which launched late last year on Netflix. 

Pairing up with Australian chef Mark Best, the popular duo cooked their way to the finals. Back in Hong Kong and Osborn has been taking his newfound recognition in stride as his customers want selfies as well as dinner. 

We go for lunch at Arcane with Yolanda Choy, founder of Central Wedding and co-founder of EcoDrive Hong Kong


