Dare To You Be You (July 2014 - August 2014)

  • 5 years ago
Act 2 has...wait for it...my least favorite song in this show! That's right, I can't stand Dare to Be You. It never clicked with me. Annagrey has delivered much better performances as Helen, and this is probably one of my least favorite songs within the show. Now, the message to this song is great! I think the composer of this song did a good job getting the message across, in a not-so-forced way. The lyrics are good, I just don't like the performance. It's too slow, and seems to drag on. Same thing goes with the music, I find the music to be a little too cheerful and "sappy" for my tastes. The main chorus bombs. It does, I can't stand listening to the chorus. Helen is just way too loud, and while I don't mind her being loud, the way she sings in this song doesn't work well. It's not the fun, spirited Helen we all know, it is of course one of the more inspirational originals, but unlike the "inspirational" originals, which gets the message done in a fun way, this original just seems to drag on forever, to the point where you want it to just be over. I can see people liking this song, I just don't find it to be any good.
