• 6 years ago
What you hear by Gema Hadridge is the combination of a love of all music and the practice of guitar, song writing and general music stuff of nearly 5 years. Having played in a band (Return of the Nobodies) in which Gema Hadridge wrote songs, played guitar and sang, one day it was time for her to move onto some solo work. For a few months a few songs were written here and there. And at starting sixth-form a new found world of emotions led to the first solo song 'Abnormal'. This being written for any body who has fallen in love but been so scared because its a brand new feeling. Then a few months later, when alone one day, instead of doing the typical 'watching the day-time TV crap' she picked up her guitar and wrote songs different from any she'd written before. This time more heart felt, with lyrics that matched the massive choruses. Now, nearly 4 years on there is an EP, an album (and more tracks coming), each just as thoughtful as the next, they are waiting to get played to anyone wanting to hear.
Gema says: "I write music/songs as a way to express myself...whether that involves me writing a song about something going on in my life OR strumming a chord sequence i like for twenty minutes (its happened!). Everything I write is either written about or influenced by what I'm going through, or thoughts about past times. Each song I write has meaning to me and represents a certain time in my life. I find writing a song is also a way I process my thoughts; 'collecting' them and creating a song - each song being as brutally honest as the next."

With the gigs growing and the fanbase increasing hopefully you'll hear more and more of Gema Hadridge in the near future. Keep an ear out.

"Thank you so much to everyone who has helped and supported me, that is what keeps me going"
